Does a person's true personality come out when they're drunk?

by lfcviking 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    My mom gets either super sappy, or really nasty....and I prefer to be nowhere near her when she drinks.

    Others after sinking some G & T's might turn into a crazed sexual tyrannosaurus!!

    ...... this was me, after drinking too much Scotch one winter's eve.... but my hunny didn't mind too much, lol....

    but Tequila makes me really happy, so does wine, and beer.

  • eclipse
    "You know it" - I thought so. LOL

    My car used to run better when it was under the influence.

    LOL Freyd, sorry to dissapoint, but my reply is in response to what another poster said. Please re-read my post and you'll see what I mean. I edited it to make more sense.

  • blueviceroy

    A lack of judgment and inhibitions take place when a person gets drunk. This is definatly not the real person. They just act on any impulse that pops into the brain. We all have wierd transient thoughts at times (or all the time) imagine if you acted on everything that popped into your head. Would that be the real you?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It matters not if the real person is before you, as your perception of who the person is is all that matters in the end. If you're cynical, the things they said when drunk are from the real person. If you're optimistic, they're not. In the end it doesn't matter much anyway.

  • snowbird
    In the end it doesn't matter much anyway.

    It matters if someone is hurt by another's behavior. But you know that, don't you, John Doe?

    BTW, I liked your avatar better when you looked like a youthful Orson Welles.


  • Gregor

    ...I always end up having sex at the end...

    Yikes, which end??

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Snowbird, my points was that if a person is going to be hurt, they will be hurt regardless if they've seen the actual person or not. Their perception is all that matters.

  • snowbird
    Their perception is all that matters.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't want to think that our dear John Doe was getting cynical.



  • Twitch

    Inhibitions are certainly removed after a couple, things one would not normally say or do. Everyone has a mask to some degree and the hooch definitely removes it. I'd say that the effect amplifies certain aspects of one's mood at the time, which may or may not be a reflection of the person's nature as a whole, just a glimpse of something hidden.

    I usually just write off things people say or do when drunk. Perceptions and emotions are skewed by the effect and are not usually how the person relates, unless of course it happens repeatedly in which case, I believe it's not so much the alcohol as it is a sign of something deeper.

    That being said, I tend to become rather very extroverted and "flirty" when popped and can talk my way in or out of pretty much anything.

  • Tara

    I definitely think the true personality comes out, but I can only go by my ex-husband. He was mean sober, but when he was drunk he was even extra mean, nastier and scarier.

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