Does a person's true personality come out when they're drunk?

by lfcviking 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Yes I definitely think that this is true. After a few glasses of wine, I'm an even bigger air head

  • Uzzah

    I'll get back to you on this after the Saturday night apostafest!

    heh heh heh

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'll get back to you on this after the Saturday night apostafest!

    heh heh heh

    HEY! I can't have my bouncer drinking!! lol

    Just kiddin with ya Uzzah!


  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    yeast urine is a mild poison which effects the brain like a setative... it slowly puts to sleep different parts of the brain... since it travels via blood, parts that use the most blood will naturally be effected first... the biggest activity of the brain is suppressing desires in general so that desires in specific can be focused on and acted upon. alcohol is bascially a liquid lobotomy and teh resultant personality can hardly be said to be the TRUE one... unless you consider people with a lobotomy more authentic then those without... what it will reveal is a lot of hidden desires and suppressed emotions, which we all have to some degree and rarely show others-- and that makes up our true personality from moment to moment, not what we hide.

  • done4good

    Alcohol has the tendency to amplify traits, both good and bad. For example, if a person is prone to anger when sober, you can expect he/she to be a real ass when drunk. At the same time, a "fun" drunk, is normally someone who is already fairly easy going anyway.


  • bigwilly
    bigwilly - I agree that alcohol makes me say and do things that we wouldn't normally do, but in my case it wasn't an excuse to behave differently. I had no control over the effect alcohol had on me at all, including the ability to stop !

    Maddie, I too say and do things that my normal sense of propriety would not tolerate. My "excuse" comment was more directed toward people who use alcohol as an excuse, particularly if violence (domestic or otherwise) is the result. There is a tremendous difference between moderately inappropriate actions or commentary and using alcohol as an excuse to behave completely different than normal. Regardless of the substance in question, I have never been out of control and have no empathy for those that do.

    That being said, alcoholism is much more serious and life effecting than the typical drinking response. Addiction/illness are a completely different animal than what I was talking about here.

  • reneeisorym

    I'm a whore .. LOL .. Really flirty and touchy feely and I always end up having sex at the end...

    So that's why this married woman doesn't drink ...

  • Uzzah

    I'll get back to you on this after the Saturday night apostafest!

    heh heh heh

    HEY! I can't have my bouncer drinking!! lol Just kiddin with ya Uzzah!

    Well someone has to put you under the table ... it sure won't be one of the 'mericuns!

    Uzzah - who is obnoxious sober but give him a couple of shots of 15-18 year old single malt and fine Cuban and he can be damn friendly and sociable

  • eclipse

    I think it depends on the person....

    Alcohol affects people differently.

    Some it just lowers their inhibitions, and some it changes them.

    When I am drunk, (i.e. after 2 martini's ), I am happy, and more talkative (when I am normally quiet)

    and more apt to say things I would normally keep to myself when sober...

    it is a truth serum for me.

  • Uzzah
    When I am drunk, (i.e. after 2 martini's ), I am happy, and more talkative (when I am normally quiet) and more apt to say things I would normally keep to myself when sober... it is a truth serum for me.

    This makes the Top 10 List of things NOT to divulge before attending an Apostafest

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