by You Know 99 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • lefthand

    Well, all this fighting is giving me a headache...I've never been as glad as I am right now that men won't be responsible for judging who's a sheep and who's a goat. I'm glad Jehovah can read our hearts. I'll be searching my Bible along with my heart, and praying that I don't make too many mistakes during these difficult times. I guess the question of who's right and who's wrong will be answered when the smoke clears after Harmageddon. I'm sure of one thing...Jehovah knows what He's doing, even if we don't.

  • Lefty

    D wiltshire,

    You've been trying so doggone hard to get my attention that I'm really beginning to feel bad about ignoring you any longer.

    Would you like for me to tell you how you can find yourself, wiltshire?

    Follow these instructions:
    First, place your thumb in your navel. Now, "walk" your way downward ... using your thumb and forefinger to do the walking. Keep walking and you should finally run across the crack of your butt. Now, once there, look up inside. Yep, that's really YOU that you're looking at.

    You don't need to thank me, I can live without it. LOL!-lefty.

  • hsmew


    yours is the sort of puerile post that only a lying bastard like friday could produce.

  • Lefty


    Do you just have to resort to using foul language? I take it that you didn't see the humor in my remarks to wiltshire. Of course if it were I, instead, that happened to be the brunt of the joke then I'm sure that you would've delighted in it. True? You've struck out on two counts, that is if you think that I'm somebody called "friday". Perhaps s/he will set you straight.-lefty.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    So why do You Know and yourself visit this neck of woods?
    Are you here to help us poor souls?
    Are you here to perhaps, defend the GB?
    Are you here to get information on You Know and his apostasy?
    What's you motto "The WT right or wrong, I'll remain loyal to it for ever"

    Oh, and thanks for responding to my post, I'm sure that took a lot to stoop to my level, I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • wannahelp

    Hi Lefty:

    You said:

    "Yes he did, because it was just that … an act of UNFAITHFULNESS. Israel HAD FOR A FACT been unfaithful. For it to be a true comparison, however, the WTS would have to render at least moral support to the United Nations. That it has not done."

    I have but one question for you here.. It has been stated that there have been articles in the past few years in the Awake! magazine supporting UN activities.. In fact, some of the people on this very board who were then active witnesses stated that they were confused about the organization portraying the UN in a good light in those articles..

    I'm sure PEOPLE here will be good enough to post some of those Awake! articles for us all to see. With that being said, explain to me how that is NOT moral support of the UN's activities, at the very least??

    I patiently await your reply..

    Please keep in mind Awake! purpose, as stated in the magazine itself when giving your reply:

    "Why Awake! is published

    Awake! is for the enlightenment of the entire family. It shows how to cope with today's problems. It reports the news, tells about people in many lands, examines religion and science. But it does more. It probes beneath the surface and points to the real meaning behind current events, yet it always stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another. Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creators's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things."

    - Wannahelp

  • hsmew


    In yr case foul language is the least I can offer. Actually, I kept it moderate compared to the words that should be used.

    How's yr dog? Still crapping on the sidewalk?


    ps: just being scriptural, all liars shall not inherit the kingdom. They are dogs ouside the gates, remember?

  • 4horsemen

    You Know writes: "But primarily it is apostates who will receive the sentence of everlasting death because they are the ones who advertise the slaves' shortcomings and they make every effort to see to it that the stumbling blocks are placed before as many faithful ones as possible who ordinarily might not have been aware of the things that cause stumbling."

    Ignorance is bliss?

    When will "apostates" stop being used as convenient scapegoats and the WTS shoulder responsibility for being a false prophet for the better part of 100 years?

    How long is this laundry list?

    Was it apostates who changed the masthead of the Awake!? Or put their names to an NGO application? Or built Beth Sarim? Or dispensed fruits of the holy spirit to Mexico while Malawi got manure in the dealings with those countries govts? Or decided when a fraction of a fraction of blood is blood when previously a single drop was condemnable?

    Whats interesting is no one MAN did this. It was an organization claiming to represent God over decades.

    If you become a citizen of another country, you dont at least want to learn about that countries history? That does not mean just the "good" things they tell you. If they tell you there is no "bad" items you believe it? You have no responsibilities in the matter?

    Where does credulity stop and gullability start?

  • 4horsemen

    Follow up to my post:

    Quick survey...

    Whether you are a JW, xjw, atheist, or just a interested bystander, how many JW's do you know that are even aware of the magnitude of doctrine change of the 1914 "generation" obliteration? I read about it in Time magazine AFTER I was out many years. My grandfather, 50 years a Watchtower slave, to this day, still has not mentioned it to me. Either he does not know, or he does not want to admit it. Or he is suffereing from a truckload of fear, guilt, and shame and does not dare mention it.

    Many JW's I knew and asked about this, did NOT know. Those that did could not readily explain the new light of "generations" versus generation.

    Is this psychologically healthy?

    Is teaching half truths part of Jesus charter to make disciples?

    Would you be considered an "apostate" if a JW came to your door, and you knew more about his religion than he did and showed him the Time article and "stumbled" his faith based on incomplete knowledge?

    What, really are Witnesses responsible to know about what they're teaching?

  • Thirdson


    You make some interesting points. I agree many JWs don't appreciate the magnitude of the generation change but then again, the WTS follow ups about the nearness of the end only added to the confusion. (The WTS website still has "old-light" as well. I discussed the matter with my parents after the Watchtower with the change was studied, (must have been Jan 1996). I thought it was a pretty big change and was quite upset by the change. (One of the first things that pushed me out the door.) My mother's attitude was, in her words, "well, I believed that already."

    In December last year on a trip to the UK I visited my sister. While shopping I met a guy from my old congregation. When I asked how things were he volunteered that many were depressed and down and said it was related to the "generation" change.

    I think the events of the past month have raised the hopes of some Witnesses. When this all blows over and we return to fairly normal conditions many of these will become depressed over the lack of delivery on so many promise the WTS has come up with.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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