by You Know 99 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Trilobite


    You're a liar. A condition of affiliation is support of the UN Charter and principles and education of the NGO's constituency on UN matters with a view to motivating public support.

    It is disgusting the way you so-called Christians will lie through yr teeth to protect the Mommy who's screwing you up the business end of your intestinal tract.


    ps: and also, if being a DPI affiliate is innocuous then why quit when that affiliation comes to light.

  • siegswife

    (((But, let's be honest, you and I both know that those who apostatize are merely looking for a pretext to leave the organization for selfish reasons.)))

    That's a bunch of crap. When I left, I wasn't even LOOKING to find fault with them. I had just started pioneering. I was DEVASTATED when I first realized the serious errors that the Society was making. When did you get appointed as the judge of people's hearts? Did that come along with your annointing?

    FYI...anyone TRULY annointed by Yahweh's Holy Spirit eventually LEAVES Babylon...

  • bjc2012

    You Know,

    You said:

    You and I are not the judge of God's people.

    Did not Paul say at 1 Corinthians 5:12, 13 this: “For what do I have to do with judging those on the outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside?” On this basis, I most certainly will judge them.

    You are not talking to the rank and file JW here. There are thinking people reading these posts and we do recognize propaganda when we read it. That's what you are dishing out in trying to defend the indefensible. The GB is the acknowledged leader of this group of people and they are responsible for everything that is said and done by their subordinates. They will be held accountable. I believe Lloyd Barry signed the original application for NGO status and he dropped dead while giving a talk. Maybe someone has already begun to judge.

    In fact, the prophecy of Daniel that I cited earlier, foretold that even some of those with insight would be made to stumble in order to effect a refining, cleansing, and whitening of the faithful ones.

    You seem fond of quoting from Daniel 11 and yet you know that nothing in this chapter will be fulfilled until the King of the North has taken over. He is the one who will apply pressure to God's people. Presently, the GB is not being pressured by the KOS to do anything. They do what they want to. They signed as an NGO with the UN because they wanted to not because of pressure. Since you cannot even identify the KON at present, what makes you think that the events that will occur under his regime can be applied to the present situation? I think that you are getting ahead of the Bible.

    Well, what the Society has done may well be the "transgression" for which Jehovah allows us to be laid low for a time.

    I don't believe that the word 'desolation' carries the same connotation as that of being 'laid-low.' Daniel 11:15 and 16 shows this: “And the King of the north will come and throw up a siege rampart and actually capture a city with fortifications. And as for the arms of the south, they will not stand, neither the people of his picked ones; and there will be no power to keep standing. And the one coming against him will do according to his will, and there will be no one standing before him. And he will stand in the land of the Decoration, and there will be extermination in his hand.” This king will not be coming in a peaceful manner. He will take control of the ‘land of Decoration.’ And he will exterminate this land unless they agree to compromise. And compromise they will. Daniel 11:32 shows that he will lead into apostasy those ‘acting wickedly against the covenant.’ And who are these but those associating with the UN, in spite of their knowledge of who this organization represents in the bible. Because of this situation, those ‘who have insight’ will not be found to be sitting ducks, waiting for this to happen. They will have acted on Jesus’ advice, ahead of these events happening, to ‘flee to the mountains’ when they catch sight of the ‘disgusting thing’ standing where it ought not. They will have proved themselves to have ‘discernment.’ Then, when outside the ‘land of Decoration, they will have to do battle with the KON, proving they have insight, proving they ‘know their God.’

    Those with ‘insight’ must abandon Jerusalem now because the next step that those ,acting wickedly against the covenant, will take will be to ‘place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation’ as Daniel 11:31 says. This act will seal their fate as far as Jehovah is concerned. Once this has occurred, it will be too late to flee. The ‘disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ is given as a sign to alert all as to what is about to happen. Luke 21:20 says this: “Furthermore, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her is near.” So, those with ‘insight’ will see this ‘disgusting thing’ and they will know that the ‘desolating of Jerusalem is near.’ They will begin ‘fleeing to the mountains.’

    The facts prove otherwise. The faithful slave has kept Jehovah’s Witnesses focused upon our assignment to preach the good news of the kingdom.

    You are using a term for these leaders that has not yet been granted to them. They have not proved to be ‘faithful nor discreet.’ This title cannot be deferred upon them until, as you said ‘the master comes and gives them the ‘well done faithful slave’ commendation. It hasn’t happened yet. There is much more testing to be done. Maybe that’s why the parable starts out with the question, who is the faithful and wise slave. Only time will answer.

    in spite of all the difficulties and pressures brought to bear against him.

    What difficulties and pressures have JWs experienced in the last fifty some years? Most JWs today have not experienced real pressure. Just wait until the KON gets his grimy little hands on you. If you get past him, you will have something to brag about.


  • Lefty
    You're a liar. A condition of affiliation is support of the UN Charter and principles and education of the NGO's constituency on UN matters with a view to motivating public support.

    If what you say were true then any JW that "joins" a Labor Union is rendering the sort of "support" you speak of. That's simply not the case! If it were the case, no JWs would be Union members.

    It is disgusting the way you so-called Christians will lie through yr teeth to protect the Mommy who's screwing you up the business end of your intestinal tract.

    Go tell it to the Judge, you little cry baby!

    ps: and also, if being a DPI affiliate is innocuous then why quit when that affiliation comes to light.

    I've already touched on that, in my first reply to You Know if you care to trace it out.-lefty.

  • hsmew


    This is what the UN NGO page says: http://www.un.org/MoreInfo/ngolink/contact.htm

    Since the founding days of the United Nations in San Francisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by drawing attention to issues, suggesting ideas and programmes, disseminating information and mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its Specialized Agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect. Associated NGOs are expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promoting knowledge of the United Nations' principles and activities. In addition, they are expected to keep the DPI/NGO Section abreast of their activities by regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN. These are also made available for perusal at the DPI/NGO Resource Centre.

    Are JWs allowed to join Trade Unions and then become involved in "mobilizing public opinion in support of" the union?

    The rules for NGOs were established in 1968 and have remained fairly constant since then. As for your remarks about why the WTS left, perhaps you should wait until they have made their own story up.

    At least YK has the brains to see that the WTS has acted in bad faith. You, on the other hand, are simply a liar.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    As much as I HATE to say it:"You Know make you look really really STUPID!

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • nelly136

    so basically lefty
    the watchtower org were lying and will do so
    in whatever way neccesary to further their cause
    and its ok because its spiritual/theocratic warfare,
    that must be of great comfort to the malawians
    that couldn't buy the 25c party card,or the people that
    couldnt do alternative millitary service and had to go to prison,


  • Englishman

    I said:

    Surely then, the Watchtower Society is nothing more than a usurper of hearts? There is no place for an "Earthly organisation" to be found in the Bible, why do you not just believe in the scriptures and simply act accordingly, why do you need this link to the WTBTS?

    And when you didn't respond, I said:

    Well, I don't appreciate his comments at all. Let me tell you that I have no intention of humouring some self-styled prophet who doesn't even have the common courtesy to answer a reasonable question, but just chooses to respond to the questions that suit him. Only Jesus had that privelege, I recall.
    So you said:

    Wrong: You have already humored me. LOL The apostle advised all Christians to turn down foolish and ignorant questions. So, it is not only my privelege, it is my duty to not respond to stupid or baited questions of ridiculers. / You Know]

    This is an astonishingly banal and feckless reply. Humouring? Laughing out loud? You have the same privileges as Jesus? Your duty not to respond? (Which you did, albeit most stupidly) Baited questions?

    Good grief man, get some reality into you life!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....


    ENGLISHMAN,You won`t get any where with brain dead Jw`s,some will listen,other`s are just used to being asshole`s.IT GIVE`S THEM PURPOSE IN LIFE.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I'm sure you know by now You Know is as much an apostate as anyone on this board and you will be one too before long, so run while you still can like a good little loyal JW.

    I know of someone who got publicly reproved for showing a fellow JW the UN web site with the Society's name listed there. So I figure You Know should atleast be DF'd for all the posts he's made here.

    His own prediction's are out of harmony with the Faithful and Discrete Slave's predictions and he puts them in a very bad light, I might add.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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