The evolution of human consciousness

by changeling 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    the dd: that's whay I mean! Do you think this will ever be achieved?

  • changeling

    And do you think that each of us who sticks their neck out and says it can be acheived is having any effect?

  • Paralipomenon

    I understand your meaning changeling, I just can't see it possible right now or anytime soon.

    Peace via pacifism in my mind cannot work. Rather I think people should look at the reasons for war. If we as people remove the fuel for wars, ambitious people would find not support for their cause and no people for their armies.

    Nationalism, Religion, race, poverty and class distinctions, equality...

    If we work on those, then peace will follow in my opinion.

  • jaguarbass

    Interesting topic.

    My 2 cents. We are animals but were at the top of the animal kingdom, we dominate.

    Amongst ourselves everyone has to be raised, they have to be taught right and wrong. Behavior comes from within. Unacceptable behavior needs to be corrected with a strong stimilus.

    Blood thirsty politicians like George Bush, the dingbat, had poor parenting and poor upbringing.

    So if you have no checks and controlls and have money and wherewithall there are little restraints to human depravity.

    If you want everybody to vibrate as one, that was the summer of love 1971 in San Fransisco.

    I think the the depraved alpha males would encourage you to continue your line of thought while they pluder your valubles.

    Could they be right? Could violence and irrationallity be a throw back to an earlier form or being?

    When someone has no upbringing and they are an alpha male or want to be, they will resort to violence and irrationallity to get what they want.

    I call that life and free moral will. So people want to lead some will follow. Some observe.

    Do you see a change in consciousness around you? Do you yourself feel that violence of all forms, even war, is animalistic and to be avoided at all cost?

    You see that because you are a woman and that is what you want. And people have been selling this all my life, they are called new agers, they were hippies back in the 60's.

    I work in a jail with people who stab and shoot people to death so, I have a hard time seeing the change in conciousness.

    It is a nice thought. Hold onto it.

    The best I can think is some can create their own paradise here on earth, If you have enough education and money or if you dont have education and money ,if you have enough smarts and maybe luck.

    Personally I dont belive in evolution, but I do believe in adaptation and I do believe in cell changes.

    When I say I dont believe in evolution, I believe in a designer. I dont know if he is benevolent or raising us to harvest, maybe our souls.

    But you can shake a box of nuts and bolts and parts for eternity and nothing will come out of it. Its never going to turn into an airplane. We are far more complex and complicated for me to believe that we are not designed.

    It's possible that our designer is in another dimension, Like radio waves they are there but invisable.

    Thats it for my ranting.

    Good topic, I hope the world starts becoming peaceful like you invision. We need something to look forward to.

  • changeling

    Para: I feel we are saying the same thing in different ways. I am not advocating pacifism. But I do feel the focus needs to be shifted away from war.

    I completely agree that the root of humanity's problems lie in: religion, nationalism, racism and other divisive forces, that pit one person or nation against another by saying: "I am better than you".

    We need to promote kindness, tolerance and peace through all we say and do. Not by attacking others and their views, not by shoveing our views in other's faces, but by example.

    It's this very thinking that I feel is slowly spreading and will one day very far in the future be "mainstream".

    Humanity has seen enough "bullies". It's time to try something new.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Peace via pacifism will never work as long as people subject themselves to authority. Unfortunately I don't think that most people are capable of behaving themselves without fear of punishment whether that punishment be real (law enforcement) or imagined (religion).

    We are social primates that tend to subject ourselves to the will of the alpha males (sometimes females!) in our society, and sometimes they tell us to do violent things, and being the good little tribe members we are, we follow. This tribalism exists everywhere, from our nation-states, to our sports teams, to gangs, and even political parties. With the higher parts of our brains we have achieved great things, with the lower parts we have done horrible things to our fellow man. Which part of us will win in the end?

  • Narkissos

    Imo human history is better described as a displacement of violence than as a sheer increase or decrease of violence. In the process of "civilisation" violence in itself was never suppressed but removed from certain spots and concentrated on others, through the mediation of laws (both oral and written, clanic, national and international) and institutions (courts, avengers, hangmen, prisons, police and army). The price -- or flip side -- of the (relative) safety in "public space" in most "civilised" countries is its concentration elsewhere (including state-run battlefields and WMD for instance). If we reject this economy of violence we also have to accept the possibility of more, not less, everyday violence everywhere (the dreaded "anarchy"). The treatment of crime and terrorism in media is meant to convince the opinion that this is not a viable option. This may well be questioned, but then our cherished "safety" is to be questioned as well. It is a bit ironic when idealistic people protest against state violence under state protection which implies the use of potential and/or actual violence, don't you think?

  • jwfacts

    Interesting concept that as we evolve more we become less animalistic and more peaceful. (I am a lover not a fighter, I guess that makes me a highly evolved organism )

    Pacifism cannot work as it simply allows the worlds thugs to dominate. If you choose not to arm yourself and on respond in self defence you will have no abilty to defend yourself against modern weapons. Hitler would have loved for the majority of mankind to be pacifists, Nazis would now be the world rulers.

    The only way war can decrease is by a gradual process to pacifism, an evolution of human consciousness towards it. This can happen by education. The reason we have more human rights now than ever before (ie womens rights) is that people are being educated towards understanding others better. Terrorism is a direct result of a lack of education, as fundamentalist religious groups learn more about others they start to realise that the concept that their religion alone is correct and needs to be defended and grown at any cost is illogical position.

  • changeling

    Wow! I must be tounge tied or keyboard tied because I can't seem to get it accross that I do not advocate pacifism.

    I'm not talking about not defending self or others or land or whatnot when threatend.

    I am talking about changing the mind over to more constructive thoughts than war.

    If we don't take an agressive stance perhaps we will breed less agression. If we don't belittle the way of life of others maybe will will engender respect.

    Something has to change. Aggression does not work.

    And I do think that thinking less agressively is evidence of growth or evolution.

    Animals react, attack, eat each other alive. People should not.

    Let's think positively and move on to better things.


  • gaiagirl

    The best reading I've ever seen on human consciousness is "The Dragons Of Eden", by Carl Sagan. He shows how the human brain is actually layered, with a core identical to our reptilian ancestors. Most of the time, the outer "human" layer works and we reason things out. Sometimes, such as when we become angry, frightened, or under extreme stress, the reptilian core takes over, and we simply react, sometimes inappropriately. Highly recommended reading. Sagan clearly knew a lot about things other than astronomy.

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