The evolution of human consciousness

by changeling 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    and i would come running, but, i think return visitor could do a fine job of that. lol

  • Satanus

    We are about 97% animal, genetically speaking. Many nonviolent things we do are animal: eating, sex, building houses and living in them, demarking our territory, bargaining for wages, etc. Further, our nearest animal relative, the chimp, does many nonviolent things. It seems to me that we will always be part animal. The other parts of us are, imo, spirit and mind. I'm not sure where under which section love would fall.

    Babies and children go theough animal type phases. Maybe those phases are natural. Maybe they can be transcended sooner, faster, during childhood, instead of being carried into adulthood.

    In chimps, what brings out violence is when their environment/supply gets impinged on. They acutally get together in groups and chase down and kill other monkeys - war. The response of human nautre seems to be similar. Our wars usually come as responses to threats or percieved threats against our comfort.

    Harsh. chauvanistic cultures like the jewish bible and koranic arab were born in harsh areas where food and comfort were not assured. As well, in the central american indian and later minoan cultures, it appears that human sacrifice became abundent in response to cultural pressures resulting from crop failures, and other threats. Compare that to the more peaceful phaoronic egyptian culture. It had human sacrifice only early on. It soon stopped, never to raise it's ugly head again. The egyptians' life, w the anual guaranteed flooding of the nile gave them a fairly stable life style and not that much to worry about.

    And so, to conclude, it seems to me, that to reduce violence, a worldwide culture of guaranteed plenty needs to be attained. Law and order must be assured.


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