The evolution of human consciousness

by changeling 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    i think showing vulnerability as changeling suggest, is an invitation for someone to take advantage of, or attack you. it is like the animal kingdom, some animals avoid a fight all together by flexing. i think if you are perceived as someone not to be f*@ked with, your less likely to be a victim. that doesn't mean act like a hard ass all the time, but, just letting people know what you are capable of is sometimes enough.

    for instance, i am a big guy, and when i go to bars, i meet 2 types of people on average. either people try to be extra nice to me, or, people want to challenge me. now, i love to fight, but, try to avoid it as much as possible. i hate all the drama that comes with it. one night, i was at a bar, and this guy would not leave me alone. i was on a date, and really didn't want to get into it. well, he saw he couldn't get to me, so, he started picking on my date. that was it. i was smoking a cigar. i looked at him, put the cigar out in the palm of my hand without flinching, looking him in the eye. i calmly said, you ready to go outside? he walked away. okay, now i'm rambling, but, hopefully, you see my point.

  • changeling

    I love you drewsie but you are the antithesis of what I'm talking about.

    It's that "I'm bigger than you, so you better not mess with me" mentality that fosters violence, agression and war.

    changeling (of the just cause I'm warm and fuzzy doesn't mean you can beat me up class)

  • bigdreaux

    well, there is a balance. i don't go strutting my stuff like i'm billy bad ass, i usually get into fights over other people being picked on. i hate bullies.

    but, you can't deny that you make a better target than me. right?

    thing is, people are people. it is survival of the fittest. i love peace as much as you do. but, there are times when some people need an asswhipping.

  • nvrgnbk

    Evolution is from Satan.

    Shame on you, changeling!

  • changeling

    Ahhhh, survival of the fittest! My point exactly!

    We need to evolve past that level.

    If we stay stuck in survival mode we will end up killing each other off.

    Thanks, bigD, for cristalizing my thought.

  • bigdreaux

    changeling, what would happen if people like me didn't exist? someone who says, "hey asshole, your not getting away with that" those assholes would take over. we need people like you, and people like me. we can't all be pacifists. people like you bring beauty and love to the world, people like me, make sure people like you are not bullied. that is the point i'm trying to make.

  • journey-on

    The truth shall set you free.

    Freedom for all means equal rights.

    Equal rights translates into democracy.

    Democratic nations do not war with each other. (That's a quote by George W, by the way.) They disagree, debate, and argue some matters and methods, but they don't war with each other.

    Over time, and with persistence, the Truth of Freedom and Democracy will reign supreme if we continue the struggle toward that end. Only then can we exhale as far as war goes. There is a time for peace and a time for war.Right now at this stage of our human development, we have not yet reached the complete cycle where peace can be total.We need leaders that can recognize when it's time for war and when it's time for peace. Nobody likes war. It should make you sick to your stomach just to think about it. But, sometimes (right now, anyway) it is a necessary step toward the above ideal. But as a species, the evolution toward a Universal Consciousness of Peace should be our goal.....not pacificism. There is a difference.

    Till then, tyrants and religious extremists will try to usurp democratic freedoms and implement their own forms of governing the masses. This cannot be allowed to happen and when a leader in this world is killing his own countrymen with poisonous gas and tyranizing the population and denying rights to women and others, the stronger nations should stand up and shout out the message that HUMANITY will no longer stand idly by and allow it. Don't be quick to war. Diplomacy and sanctions and isolation may be the trigger to real change. But at some point, war may be the only thing left.

    Evolution is a process that takes time.

  • changeling

    I see your point but:

    1- I'm not a pacifist!!!!!

    2- Why do you feel you need to defend me?

    I've never felt phisically threatened in my life (exept from my dad).

    The scenario of people picking on and beating others up that you present is not a reality for me.

    I have encountered verbal bullying and have stood up for myself and others for it. But always with words, never physically.

    I think our perspectives are utterly different.


  • bigdreaux

    i have had to stand up for friends being physically threatened. i guess our life experiences just have us seeing the world differently. believe me, i know you are smart, and strong, but, if a guy of my stature was attacking you, wouldn't you want someone to help? someone with the physical strength to eliminate that threat?

  • changeling

    Absolutely. If I'm ever in physical danger I'll call Dreuxxxxx!


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