CO tells us the reason for the Tract Work

by stillajwexelder 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher

    Actually the entire preaching activity is for the "benefit" of those inside the organization. It keeps the dubbie-sheep on a treadmill, and is proving to be an ineffective way to attract converts as seen in the recent sloooow growth of the organization.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    They've been running a variation of that spiel for years. I remember in the 90's them saying that we are just going D2D to prove to god those who are against him. Yeah that makes sense.

  • Jourles

    I'd still say to expect to see many more tracts being offered in the coming years - eventually replacing the mags. It's all about the costs really. They're cheaper to produce(fewer pages, essentially carries the same info) and the jdubs can leave them anywhere with hardly any presentation. Just let the cover speak for itself. If I were running the show, I would have (4) tracts a year and distribute each one of them over a (3) month period. Four is just enough for variety. Do they even offer books anymore at the door? I would eliminate that as well.

  • changeling

    Busywork. Keep'um busy, lest they go on the internet or to college and learn something worthwhile...


  • loosie

    Probably that same reason the moonies hand out flowers at the airports

  • Metamorphosis

    Did anyone else's congregation ask them to write on the back of their field service reports how many tracts they placed during each month of each campaign? ours did... but since i'm no longer turning in reports i wonder if they know my total was... 0

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes -there was a letter from the Society asking us to record the number of tracts placed on back of Field Service report

    Not sure if this is a good thing or bad one from the WTS point of view

  • codeblue

    Very interesting.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Sell it baby if you want to keep in good standing in the congregation, aren't you aware that god is taking in account of how many times your going in service

    yes he does and were also taking in account also at the hall, you must realize you are being watched all the times in everything you do.

    Remember the time is near of gods vengeance and judgment upon mankind, how well you will be judged is purely up to you ! he he

  • 5go
    I was told by the PO later that privately the CO told the elders this was another great effect.

    I caught the CO lying about tract work in my Congragation. I have not turned in any hour or placements yet we had 100% particpation in my hall.

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