CO tells us the reason for the Tract Work

by stillajwexelder 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    OK so this was told to the entire congregation by the Circuit Overseer.

    "The Society knows the Tract work brings hardly any new disciples in. We get a few good experiences out of it and a few start studies and attend a few meetings. The real reason for all the Tract work is to benefit all the brothers - not the rest of the world . It is a really easy work that regularly gets the territory covered. The brothers get enthused and invigorated and it is a real boost to spirituality and encourages the entire congregation"

    So there you have it. The tract work is for the benefit of JWs not the rest of the world outside.

  • bigdreaux
  • Elsewhere

    Sounds about right.



    A tract was left at my door a couple of months ago. They rang my doorbell and left after a few seconds. They were off to the next house without even making a presentation.

    They start out new members passing out tracks in the preaching work to show how easy it is. They build up easy hours for the month. Also they see who the weak ones are in the preaching work. If they don't show up for the easy assignment of passing tracks,then they know who to counsel on getting in their hours.

  • R.F.
    The brothers get enthused and invigorated and it is a real boost to spirituality and encourages the entire congregation"

    Maybe it's just my congregation, but I never felt the invigoration or enthusiasm. Sure it pulled a few of the irregulars to do a few hours but it seemed more to be done to satisfy the elders and others than enthusiasm.


  • moshe
    The brothers get enthused and invigorated and it is a real boost to spirituality and encourages the entire congregation"

    I guess the effect is short lived. The brother at the KH I visited a couple weeks ago would hardly admit to doing that tract work.

    I tried to talk to JW's who were doing that tract work and they did not want to do any talking about the tract at all. It was like a bomb for them. I guess they just wanted to get far away before the householder opened it up and asked them about the silentlambs website.

  • SirNose586

    Well, at least he was honest to a degree. It's busywork, and if you can't do it, then you're not being a good little sales-dub.

  • stillajwexelder

    Sure it pulled a few of the irregulars to do a few hours - I was told by the PO later that privately the CO told the elders this was another great effect.

  • Highlander


    He admitted that it's all about giving busy work to the dubs. Does he not realize that cults regularly do that to their members? Keep them busy and distracted so that the members don't have time to figure out they belong to a mind control cult.

    Even when I was a believer, had a heard something like this, it would have really bothered me. To essentially be told that our life saving work is not about saving lives, but it's about keeping ourselves excited, and spiritually upbuilt.

  • stillajwexelder

    They start out new members passing out tracks (SIC) in the preaching work to show how easy it is. They build up easy hours for the month


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