UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?

by nicolaou 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go

    I am shocked. You smart guys can find out that 1+1 does not always = 2.

    1.5+ 1.5 = 3

    Though, if you want to get picky.

    1.4 + 1.4 which are both rounded down = 2.8 which is rounded up!

  • sweetstuff

    I can't take it anymore! I'm going to go have a hot chocolate!

    Bring me back a caramel latte would ya Terry? Thanks yer a doll!

  • nicolaou

    Is anyone actually reading what anyone else is posting? Aaaaargh!

    I give up. Sweetstuff, sorry I got your name wrong, posters do that to me all the time. Terry, a hot chocolate won't do it, got anything stronger?


    aka: Nicolao

    aka: Nicalou

    aka: Nicolauo

    et al

  • sweetstuff

    I'll forgive you this time Nic!Next time, bend over! I actually try to read the posts, even the ones that make me yawn, my bad.

  • RAF


    RAF: Sometimes I can be really thick! Reading one of your earlier posts just made me realise that you are French Baby Face! Cool! I missed you but you were here all the time! Why the name change?

    Well it took time ... No I haven't been always here ... but when I wanted to share some times here I had a problem to log on ... I give up a few times for a monthe or so and ... (well it's all written on RAF's profile).

    Shawn (and 5go) !

    About a lot of questions (not mathematical) from what do you state that the premise is true? (like something that even scientists can state as true or not like is there a God which would ask to first define God - maybe you know more than them? you must wonder at least if you know more than them NO? And since you don't know there are premises that you just can't state anything about - and the logic is then to keep it as UNKNOW) otherwise it's NOT LOGIC it's a personnal feeling or value or postulate (related to your own experience).

    Actually shawn and 5go you were off topic (with your examples with numbers) we are not talking aboutmathematic(mathematic is about counting nothing more nothing less it'svery precise and each valueeven if stated algebrically as X or Y or P will be the same in the all process of the operation concerned even if P and X are equal or not, but you know it for sure since we are talking about mathematical value).

  • nicolaou
    I'll forgive you this time Nic!Next time, bend over!

    He he. I just found the inspiration for my next topic!

  • 5go

    even if stated algebrically as X or Y or P will be the same in the all process of the operation concerned even if P and X are equal or not, but you know it for sure since we are talking about mathematical value.

    Sorry, but I still get pissed when I read scientist calculating infinate varibles. Last time I checked infinity was as good as absolute zero in terms. The diffrence being infinity means we know something exists though not how much. Zero means it does not exist at all period. Though argubly the anwser is the same IDK.

    VxI=R If

    If V is 5.

    What is I or R for that matter.

  • LittleToe


    I know I could be wrong, completely and utterly, yet I have this drive to share what I've learned. Am I supposed to repress that? Quell it for the sake of ...what?

    Such is the dilemma of someone who is certain (in absolute terms) that they must be uncertain, and yet has the emotive zeal to spread what little they think they know. That's one of the difficulties with education. The more you know, the more you come to realise how little you know


    I really don't mean to be personally insulting...

    Oh please!!! Do behave, won't you! You know perfectly well that your full intention is to be insulting. Lets not obfuscate the matter with a veil of supercillious pseudo-sincerity!


    I see you've reached "S" in that dictionary toilet paper. Good stuff - "T for Theology" is just a few wanks away.

    Deaf people shouldn't be music critics.

    I agree, just as people without "faith" shouldn't be theology critics

    5go:Gotta love inrfinity, huh?


    We all put faith in concepts on a daily basis. Boarding an airplane and relaxing as we are lifted so high we have to rely on on board oxygen and cabin pressure to survive. We put faith in the airplane and all the trained people involved in making it possible but in short we are putting faith in the concept of flying. We believe it has been safely demonstrated enough times for us to commit ourselves to it.

    We put faith in this concept because we have seen it demonstrated enough times to try it out. We are then able to add our own experience to the experience of others and the reality of what we have seen demonstrated. Some people have never flown and simply can‘t except the concept of flying. They know other people do but they do not feel that it's safety has been demonstrated to their satisfaction.

    Religious faith is no different. It is just that there is dispute over the validity of what are claimed as demonstrations of an invisible realm and peoples experiences of it.

    The question is whether there is any real scientific evidence. Much of what has been presented as evidence has been shown to be a hoax. The true believer says that faith is an emotional knowing and no proof or evidence is required. This annoys those who have worked so hard to be objective and arrive at a truthful conclusion.

    For people who have rejected the concept of an invisible spirit realm there is often a resentment towards people who are still able to find comfort in their faith.

    Some people say they need to believe to have faith. It comforts them and stops them feeling lost. It gives their life a meaning which brings comfort to them. The atheist works just as hard to maintain his position as does the believer, except he does not have the comfort of belief.

    The dispute can never be settled because if faith is not dependent on evidence and can exist as a warm emotional experience, it is immune to all argument against it. Faith is in itself a living thing in the mind of the believer. It comforts when hot chocolate fails to.

    Whether the faith is based on reality or is a concept, matters little to the believer if it fulfils his or her need. It only matters to non-believers who must justify their living without the comfort of faith.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    apparent undeniable logic has kept many trapped in Borganizations like JWs with statements such as IF this is SO and that is SO than THESE must be SO... and if you do that often enough you have built a house of cards on a stairway of assumptions which seems completely logical and rational and impossible to deny...and thus you are trapped. the trick is that in reality many things SEEM to be so sometimes, not always. many things APPEAR to be as the belief about them describes, but not always... the world often works on a fuzzy logic rather than a binary logic, its not always THIS OR THAT, its often THIS THAT or THE OTHER with overlaps that do not total 100%.

    examples of religious logic:

    If four gospels mention Jesus than he MUST have existed.... really? if the same lie is told by four APPARENTLY different sources, does that make it true now?

    Jesus is the jewish messiah because Moses prophecy was fulfilled in him..... Moses was a real person because Jesus mentioned him by name..... did we prove anything?

    You prayed to God and what you prayed for happened, therefore God must exist.... I prayed to no one but what I desired just happened to happen...therefore?

    much of logic is based on circular definitions 1+1 = 2 because 2-1 = 1, what is forgotten is that symbolic language is just that a language and the symbols are NOT the things pointed to by themselves...the point to something outside themselves.. one apple plus one orange equals two objects...not two apples not two oranges... the symbols can be misused if you assume that 1 +1 = 2 of the same thing.

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