UNDENIABLE LOGIC. Some cherish it while others dismiss it. Which are you?

by nicolaou 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    There is only one reality.

    The problem is that we have limitations in our ability to perceive it.

    The honest desire to see reality with true clarity is what should motivate us all.

    Fear hinders that.

    Pride hinders that.

    Indoctrination hinders that as well.

    We are all a little "clouded".

    But that shouldn't make us give up.

    Reality is still there.

    We come and go.

  • Shazard

    Then I guess you won't accept quantum phisics!

  • nvrgnbk
    Then I guess you won't accept quantum phisics!

    Is quantum physics an attempt to explain reality?

    Then I accept and embrace it.

    But quantum physics is not ultimate reality, rather a perspective on it.

  • Satanus

    Noone knows ultimate reality. We are barely out of the caves, just finished 2 world wars, recently discovered that the earth is a sphere orbiting a small star. We have a lot to learn and do.


  • nvrgnbk
    We have a lot to learn and do.


    But we never stop trying.

    Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature.

    -Carl Sagan

    The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
    Winston Churchill

    "What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not The Truth." -- Linda Ellinor

  • nicolaou

    We don't have to muddy the waters with quantum phisics (sic), binary code or diversions on infinity. Excuse me while I wrestle this topic back to the very simple premise it started on - logic.

    Did Jesus gather up more bread and fish than he started with? Could a 1st century virgin have given birth to a son? Can a biologically dead human be revived to life by a mere command?

    There have been other topics on the subject of faith recently that have attacked believers with the insults of the playground. I'm trying real hard not to fall into that trap but all the obfuscation and irrelevant diversions can wear a bit thin. How about a straight answer for once?!

    It is not logical to believe that Jesus or Peter walked on water - do you believe it happened? If so then you have thrown logic and rational thinking ability out of the window.

    C,mon, any w@#ker can see that.

  • Satanus

    I agree, logic is the best point of departure.


  • nvrgnbk

    I agree with you brother.

    Once again, there is only one reality.

  • sweetstuff

    The problem with logic is this..it changes the more knowledge we learn about the universe. Ok, its throwing logic out the window to believe such things could in fact have happened, yet, once it was considered throwing out logic to believe that the world was round. What if, its that in future humanity learns that doing the impossible is in fact possible? Perhaps humans are capable of much greater things than is currently considered possible. Buddist monks and hindi guru's "seem" to do some pretty unexplainable things. Do I believe Jesus fed the masses, walked on water etc? I have no idea if it happened or not (wasn't there), but I am logical enough to admit that although the possibility seems remote, I cannot say with complete conviction that it never happened. There are no absolutes without absolute knowledge.

  • nvrgnbk

    True, sweetstuff.

    That's why dogmatism of any kind is alienating and counterproductive.

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