Cried myself to sleep last night

by unique1 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dismembered

    Greetings U1,

    Remember there will be peaks & valleys in dealing with the watchtower printing company cult. Remind yourself that they are hemorrhaging. You might live to see them nose dive into oblivion. Then you'll have to help daddy deal with it. The proverbial shoe will be on the other foot.


  • ex-nj-jw


    Yes that is what a broken heart feels like. I know how you feel when you talk about your dad, my mom was aweful as well and if it were'nt for my dad and my brothers I probably would have thought of suicide!

    Hang in there sweetie, I don't know that it will ever stop sneaking up on you. Just let it out when it does don't hold back.


  • Hortensia

    oh my goodness, what a lot of sadness. I'm so very sorry for all of you - I know how tough it can be. My mother wasn't especially nice all the time as a JW, but she didn't shun me or my sisters. However she passed away 6 years ago, and although our relationship wasn't the best, I still wish I could talk with her now and then. I just suddenly get tears in my eyes and say I want my mother. It just is what it is. I get busy when I feel like that and do something that needs work to distract myself.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I did'nt have JW, My childhooh is almost as bad. I know what a broken heart feels like. My son would not let me see my 2 granddaughters for 9 years, so I miss them growing up. Its all because of Religion. I try not to think about my childhood, there was to many hurts. Sorry about your Mother and Father, Its there loss. You are a very sweet person, and don't let no one tell you any thing different.

    {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{ STAY STRONG}}}}}}}}

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{WE LOVE YOU }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • Quandry


    Hope you are feeling better now. Remember that you are unique-there is no one like you on the face of the earth. You are special, and you have alot to offer. That you have those feelings means that you are a person with an enormous capacity to love. People like you are needed in the world today.

    I was wondering if you sent an e-mail and just said,

    "I have heard that the WTS changed the rules on whether 1935 was the last year for the gathering of the annointed. I also heard that they changed many of the rules about which blood products one may accept. They also changed the rule about the generation of 1914 being alive when the end comes. They changed the rule about pinatas being forbidden to use. I was wondering if perhaps they have changed any of the rules about shunning. Please let me know."

    Of course, maybe I am just picking because shunning makes me very angry.

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2


    So sorry. It's good to cry, let it out.

    Take good care of yourself, you are a beautiful, lovable, intelligent woman worthy of the love they deny you.

    Why is it so hard for people to just love. ...sighs..

  • sass_my_frass


    I've heard that it gets better. I'm looking forward to it too.

  • PoppyR

    Definitely something in the air, I've read many posts over the past few days about this sort of pain.

    It's cruel, and even though we understand it, I think like an abused child, we somehow blame ourselves, because we know it makes them unhappy also.

    Hang in there Unique1 its not personal, they do love you, it's brainwashing at it's most extreme, and you must get on with your life and find people who genuinely care.


  • helncon

    ((((((((unique 1))))))))))

    Its hard to know that just because a group of men decide that this is a rule that it keeps the good ones in and the bad ones out.

    FAMILY is what everyone needs and wants.

    My heart breaks knowing that they do this.

    I have just hardend myself to this but somedays it gets to me, then he rings on the sly and gets all my hopes up then doesn't ring me for weeks.

    I keep short and simple but its hard.

    I know how you feel.

    One day it may all be over.


  • unique1

    LMAO Quandry. Thanks.

    Thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts. They have really helped me the past day or so. I took some Tylenol PM and got a good nights rest last night and feel a lot better today. I am not saying it doesn't still hurt because it does. At least today I am viewing it with my head screwed on straight instead of relying on my heart.

    I also broke down and told my hubby last night. His reply: God honey, I am sorry your parents suck so bad. (while he rubbed my head) Honestly what else is there to say??

    You guys are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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