How ethical is it to sow DOUBT in the minds of sincere Jehovah's Witnesses?

by nicolaou 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Twitch

    Wise words, Parakeet. I tend to agree.

  • Mary

    Well, this is exactly what I'm dealing with right now.....I started a thread about a conversation I had with my Dub sister last night. She seems content being a Dub and I told her "I have no desire to make you doubt your faith if you don't want to". She kept the conversation going, so I did what I could to get her to THINK outside the box.

  • Finally-Free

    Two JW men came to my door today. Since I'm new in this neighbourhood I wouldn't have been marked down as a "do not call", though I probably am now. I told them after 20 years as a JW I had disassociated myself because of the child molestation scandal, and have since learned of many other problems since I left 4 years ago. I was surprised they stood there and listened to what I had to say without a single interruption.

    I didn't feel bad in the least about possibly sowing doubts in their minds. If they don't want to hear what I have to say, they shouldn't knock on my door looking for a discussion. I took the same position with my mom and my ex. I didn't make it a point of bringing up the subject, but when they did I didn't hold back. If they don't want to hear my answers they shouldn't ask the questions.


  • Hortensia

    free speech isn't unethical. Telling the truth isn't unethical. I agree with Gregor - if it's OK for them to proselytize, it's OK for others to attempt to convert them. If they are convinced they have the truth, it won't hurt them much will it? Maybe they love "the truth" in which case you'll have no effect, or maybe they love truth, in which case you can give them some and maybe help them face facts and get out of that cult.

  • Shawn10538

    Doubt is always a good thing. It's what starts a human on the road to self realization.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    How ethical is it to sow DOUBT in the minds of sincere Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I have to counter-point this question with;

    How ethical is it not to sow DOUBT in the minds of sincere Jehovah's Witnesses?

    It's all we have. They won't allow honest discussion will they.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    How ethical would it be to sow doubt in the mind of someone who sincerley believed the earth was still flat?

    I guess it would depend.

    Would the truth about the earth not being flat - bring so much turmoil in to that persons life that it would outweigh the benefits on knowing the truth about the earth not being flat?

    It seems unlikely that it would, however it is certainly decent and ethical to consider the possibility that it might. Of course allowing someone to believe in something as harmless as a flat earth is a lot different than allowing someone to believe in a mind control group that forces members to follow direction that could lead to their death, or to severe psychological damage (blood issue. disfellowshipping and general judgementalism).

    Every case must be judged on its own merit.

    In my humble opinion I would say that it would be a very rare case where one could be justified in deciding NOT to sow doubts in the minds of a sincere JW. The JW in question would have to be very dependent on the organization and face a very poor quality of life outside of it.

    The Oracle.

  • changeling

    One must consider the person's crscumstances and personality.

  • sspo
    the "club" is good for them

    I agree 100%

    Primarily for older ones that have been in the org. a very long time.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    People need to know the truth about the organization. Age does not matter they still have the right to know the truth. How long they are in the organization should not matter. If they are stable in the organization they will be stable on the out side of the oganization.

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