Mixology- Your Favorite Cocktail Or Mixed Drink

by nvrgnbk 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    on that note, i'll go to bed. lol

  • stillajwexelder

    Of course a basic gin or Vodka and Tonic is pretty nice -with lemon of course

  • nvrgnbk

    Vodka Gimlet

    1.5 oz - Vodka

    1 oz - Rose's Sweetened Lime Juice
    Lime slice

    Mix first two ingredients in a shaker with ice. Put the lime on the rim of a cocktail glass and slide it around the whole way. Strain the vodka and lime mixture into the cocktail glass.

  • Stealth453

    Scotch and a glass.

  • nvrgnbk

    Like a Rob Roy, Stealth?

    2 1/2 oz Scotch
    1 tsp sweet vermouth
    1 tsp dry vermouth Combine the scotch, sweet vermouth and dry vermouth in a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with a maraschino cherry or a lemon twist.

  • free2think

    Its a toss up between Cosmopolitans and a strawberry Daiquiri. Can you tell i like sweet drinks?!

  • DJK

    I'm a beer drinker.

    On that rare occasion when I need to empty my stomach, I drink beer and shots of Amerretto, Galliano and Chamborg. Vomiting and being face to face with the porcelain god is so much better with a buzz.

  • Tara

    Harvey Wallbangers!

  • eclipse

    I love Sangrias (I am partial to the way they make it in one Spanish restaurant)

    or a vodka\gin martini with a lemon twist

    The spanish coffee mentioned by bigdreaux sounds great

  • BFD

    Tequilla Sunrise or Maguerita

    BFD of the sure can drink but sure can't spell alcoholic class

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