Could the WTBTS get JWs to kill?

by serotonin_wraith 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    King David, Moses, and Joshua seemed to have no problem in getting people to kill for the sake of JH's name. Why not? Sure they could. I think they do now anyway with the blood issue and not buying a political party card in Malawi.


  • journey-on

    All they have to do is issue NEW LIGHT like this:

    "Brothers and Sisters, we have finally endured to the end. Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, is ready to commence the final blow to mankind. This is what our Faithful and Discreet Slave has been carefully observing and waiting for and as Jehovah's people, we have been lovingly guided through the turbulent seas to the final hour of divine providence. Many have fallen away in the great apostasy and those who remain today have proven faithful and true beyond measure. Truly you have endured to the end. He has held back His final instruction because many who would enjoy the final reward may have been lead astray by the wicked apostates who denounce Jehovah and His Faithful and Discreet Slave lovingly lead by our dear Governing Body. But today, the light has truly gotten brighter and brighter, and now we stand in its full glory. Then blah blah blah blah blah (add your own morbid scenario).

  • freeme

    im pretty sure they would. they've done it. either through the blood transfusion issue or through a deathlike strike through shunning.

    if they would package it into a armageddon starting act... it may be possible. or something else. its difficult to imagine it now, but i think its possible. of course many many jw would leave but that would only the remaining strengthen their faith (its just a small number who get through the small door and stuff)...

  • Paralipomenon

    I think they could get a select few wackos to kill, but the religion as a whole? Nah.

    They can barely get enough to meet the national average for service, much less kill someone.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I think anyone could get any group of people to kill if they pick the right people. Maybe 3% of Dubs if even that would actually follow through with a directive like that. The other 97% would be horrified. Just like if the founder of this site put out a directive to kill probably 1% would follow the other 99% would not. These aren't Nazis people. Oh and Jim Jones had a Pentecostal up bringing he felt he was an outcast and so were they, so he naturally was attracted to them.


    RF..I understand your point.....The WBT$ has no problem with the military,except in the cult they run the Jehovah`s Witness`s.....WBTS already allows JW`s to kill themselves or others with thier insane rules and policies.....We`ve already seen JW`s abandon former beliefs at the drop of a hat.On WBT$ Command.....If WBT$ ordered JW`s to kill.What would make JW`s disobey God`s chosen Organization?..They have`nt in the past..Even when it strongly contradicted former beliefs.....The fact is,the majority of Jehovah`s Witness`s will do exactly as their told by the WBT$...OUTLAW

  • Awakened07

    I don't actually think this would work, at least not on a large scale. But they could probably push them pretty far if they wanted.

    Something else I thought about a while ago though, was how the GB perhaps would try to make prophecy come true by provoking it. I thought of that when the "End of all false religion" tract was released. I thought "OK - so now they're trying to piss people off in order to create the final persecution/attack of Jehovah's people?" Nothing happened though, but I guess that's 'cause it's not exactly anything new from them, so I guess they've lost their provocative power.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    When you can shun your own kids and say " Yes sir, no sir, three bags full" every time some uneducated loser, attacks your family and makes them jump through hoops you've already shut a part of yourself off and are not dealing with reality. When you can sit back and smile when your kids are being deprived in there vital years and then discipline them with no rewards, you have already lost a part of your soul. When you can look me in the eye knowing I'm an honourable and loving child and tell me you love Jehovah more than me or your own family, your a phycho. If,as was mentioned above, you can deny your kid a blood transfusion and let him/her die, you are a very sick individual that needs help, and when after 20 years of watching your kid suffer from abandonment, shunning, and poverty and exclude them from your own brothers weddings and photographs, and then turn around and tell them that," humiliation is what you needed" and the best thing is for you, is return to the thing that almost destoyed you. When you can watch your kid suffer and tell them that seein a phychiatrist will not help you and you need to study the watchtower, I am at a loss for words. How far a stretch is it to turn on someone and kill them when you can betray your own flesh on a daily basis, and think not only that it is normal , its healthy. Is blood thicker than religion. It sure wasn't in my case. Ya, I think witnesses could kill. They have already had there morality consceince and ethics severly reworked by the society. It would be easy for the GB to find scriptures that support it too.

    Anyone that gets shunned is already dead in my opinion. If it wern't for Life sentences and the law of the land, they would find a way to do it. Even in the Jewish religion when someone leaves their faith they are given a funeral ,cuz your ass is considered dead, or so they would like it. This is how you get rid of opposition. I always tell people when they say its not to late for me, that I died 20 years ago. Well guess what you effin bastards. NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO DIE! With the sword of truth and justice you will be publicly humiliated and embarrassed. You will be brought to ruin when you are exposed as an organization that protects pedophiles. I will sit back and watch you wither just as you did to me. Its just my way of showing my warm christian love!

  • SirNose586

    It could be done with a fair amount of wrangling. But several conditions would have to be amended:

    For anything to happen, they'd have to be in a very desperate situation. Perhaps their operation has been shut down worldwide, and communication goes underground. They'd have to switch the "superior authorities" back to Jehober and Jesus. Second, they'd have to lay in with articles about Phineas and Jehu and "tolerating no rivalry toward Jehovah." Then come the suggestions that anyone in this crucial time who opposes the witnesses should not be tolerated, and that eliminating them in your midst is okay.

    The Society would have to be in pretty dire straits to get away with that sort of recommendation, but, I think it could happen.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    The more malign cults have introduced physical separation from society at large ie living together in a commune, with guards of one sort or another preventing the doubters from departing

    I think this would need to happen first before you could build up the necessary 'all is lost, we are doomed anyway' mentality required to start killing.

    So a more useful question might be 'If JW's were ordered to 'flee to the hills' would they?'

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