Does Someone's Religion Matter To You?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    yes, unfortunately other people's beliefs can affect us to our harm. Look what extremist muslims are doing to the entire world. And it's frightening what religious extremists can do in the US (I would call Bush a religious extremist.) so, yes it matters. As for celebrities - who cares what they think?

  • Forscher


    That should've read "as long as they do not try to harm me or others" instead of "as long as they try to harm me or others."


  • minimus

    I think some neocons are almost like religious zealots too.

    When I look at how the Watchtower treats those that don't agree with them and how poltical parties are no different that the JWs----it's like everyone is a religious nut !!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Min -

    Not like it used to ....

    CoCo the Non-Convertor

  • jaguarbass

    Do you care if Tom Cruise is a Scientologist? Or that Mitt Romney is a Mormon? Or that a person is either a very devout Muslim or a card carrying Communist? I care about potential presidential canidates. I want to know how whacky or full of shxt they are. I'd like to know if a person is a Muslim, I dont want them exploding in my presence. Tom Cruise is a walking advertisment for scientology which is all about getting your money so you can get clear. Card carrying Communist. Do they still have them? Maybe in Cuba.

  • LearningToFly

    As long as they don't try to convert me or judge me for my choices and beliefs in spirituality.I enjoy a good debate on almost anything, as long as it is open on both sides. I would never marry or have a relationship with someone though that belonged to any middle eastern belief systems.

  • Effervescent

    Only as far as it effects the freedoms and rights of others. I can appreciate religious diversity and am fascinated by other theologies, but can't wrap my brain around people who feel compelled to hurt or kill others in the name of their god, or those than impose their consciences on others.

  • SacrificialLoon

    It depends on how much they affect my life. Romney being a Mormon believes Joseph Smith had special glasses so that only he could read the divine word from the gold plates, that's crazy talk. I could never vote for someone who believes in such nonsense. Someone needs to call him on Mormonism at one of the public interviews they call debates.

    The average mormon on the street though, as long as they're harmless I really don't care much. One of my co-workers was a mormon, very nice person, but I didn't discuss religion with him much.

  • Seeker4

    Yeah. Having lived with a President who is deeply religious and who decided that it was god's will for him to haul my country into a quagmire of a war, and who is cocksure that he is still right in doing that - yeah religion matters to me.

    When, day after day, I hear that someone has strapped explosives on themselves, worked their way into a crowd of men, women and children, and then set themselves off - yeah religion matters to me.

    Every day when I hear the latest body count of Iraqis and Americans, the stupidity that religious belief can lead to makes religion matter to me.

    The fawning political candidates all falling over each other to tell everyone how deeply religious they are and how important god is to them makes me a little queasy. Aren't these supposed to be the best and the brightest critical thinkers of our time? Ha! Yeah, religion matters to me.

    When three of the candidates say they don't believe in evolution, religion really matters to me. What are they going to say when they are President, they don't believe in atomic theory, and touch off a few bombs just to prove that atomic theory is "only a theory" and not supported by the evidence? Yeah, the stupidity that religion can breed matters to me.


  • loosie

    I have friends who are Wiccan. Some are baptist, regular and southern. I even have one who is Christian but uses crystals. I know some buddists. And one who is a T-shirt wearing Christian. Oh and caffiene drinking Mormon.

    They are a lot more loving, non judging and kinder than most witnesses.

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