OKM 09/07 (english)- Just another brick in the wall...

by metaspy 181 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Don't worry about it Brother nvrgnbk. The Great Day of God the Almighty will make bird food out of these guys. What a blessing it will be for us to be alive to see this wonderful event take place.....any day now.

  • nvrgnbk

    Ahhhhh yes!

    All the sacrifices have paid off, Sister Mary!

    All the ridiculers will soon be silenced!

    The smoting shall be great indeed!

    Knowledge puffs up, but humble obedience shall lead us to deliverance!

    What's that I see on the horizon? The birds of prey prepare for the feast.

    May the faithful and discreet slave, oops... I mean Jehovah, be praised!

  • slmdf

    All I can say is "WOW".

    Being newly out, I can recall as recently as 8 months ago when I would have gulped this "food" down lock, stock & barrell and thought, "what kind of friggin' idiots are developing their own study groups?" And now I think (thankfully), What kind of friggin idiots wouldn't develop their own study group or at least do their own independant research?"

    Amazing how a little time out of the Borg free's your mind & heart. THANK YOU to this site and those on it for participating.

  • WTWizard

    I think it is pretty blatant where things are going now. They are now just about banning use of outside sources of information on the Bible, which means the people will depend more on the Tower for its Bible information. Then, next year when the Kool-Aid Puketowers come out, they will be able to say anything. Bans on things that are even more ridiculous are now possible. And they could teach anything at all. Which means the flock will not be allowed to look up alternate sources to back it up.

    I hope this is the end of the Watchtower Society. Anyone with half a brain knows that when you cut off access to outside sources, and then start pushing ridiculous demands and bans as Bible facts, you have a self-serving organization behind the whole thing. They ban education? You want to see if it's really Scriptural? You have to look only at Tower material, which has all been altered to say that education is a sin. They push up the pioneer requirements back to 90 or 100 hours a month? You want to see if there is a real Scriptural basis for this? You have to look at Tower sources only, all of which have been altered to make it real.

    This is one case where I will not be obeying. I will use any source I feel like, and even then I will independently evaluate the whole Bible myself. If I feel the Bible itself is crap, then I will not follow it. If portions of the Bible are valid, then I will follow them but with a view to actual present reality and not to something that is 1900 years out of date or the delusions of one drunkard and a group of followers.

  • avengers
    Don't bother to do your own research, we'll gladly do it for you, and by the way, we'll also instruct you in what to think, what to wear, what to say, how to say it, etc....

    You forgot one thing!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    As Blondie and others mentioned, the prohibition on independent study groups is really not new and is related to the Franz era "apostasy". However, the direction to use only WTS publications in research (at least that's what I'm getting from having read the article) is somewhat stricter. I was always given the instruction to use the WTS stuff first, but was encouraged to get backup information from various secular sources and I remember the WTS used to always give dictionary definitions, expound (however incorrectly) on Greek & Hebrew, provide some historical information. Yet, in the last several years, I see a real dumbing down to the study material.

    When I was an elder, I was always introducing secular information in my parts to try and validate what the WTS was saying. Actually, in doing research for the Daniel book, I really got into the 607/587 issue and ended up being convienced that the WTS was wrong. So, I can see why they don't want folks doing that sort of research.

    But, remember the elders recently got instructions on conducting the WT and how they should NOT bring in any research they've done on their own.

    This really is a different religion from the one I grew up with. I always remember there was such an emphasis on doing extra research to supplement the WT study and that the reason given was the brothers only had a limited amount of space so the extra information rounded out the discussion.

    Of course, this has always been a high control group, so I'm sure noone is shocked by this. When the brothers ask me why I don't comment anymore, this will be the reason I give. All they want is someone to parrot the information just read and add nothing to the discussion.

    Can't wait for the 1/15/08 WT!

  • jeanV
    I was always given the instruction to use the WTS stuff first, but was encouraged to get backup information from various secular sources and I remember the WTS used to always give dictionary definitions, expound (however incorrectly) on Greek & Hebrew, provide some historical information. Yet, in the last several years, I see a real dumbing down to the study material.

    a few years back there was not even a fraction of the information that is available now. even when a JW has good intentions, when searching on the net he is bound to stumble across material that contradicts the WTS, so better stop them before they even start.

    as some already commented, this article will make vomit only those that are already awake.

  • sir82

    Posted this on another thread, but it fits in here too...

    I see this one of a continuing series of steps to "draw a line in the sand". They appear to prefer a smaller, but more fiercely loyal (and brain-dead) following, rather than going the "mainstram" route, as some have speculated. Better to have 4 or 5 million who will (perhaps literally) die for the organization than 7 or 8 million who are only lukewarm, seems to be their thinking.

    Articles such as this one seem to be for the purpose of pushing off fence-sitters, drifter, faders, and any heretofore loyal ones who had some hope of reform or at least an easing of the pressure.

    Anyone who presents "non-endorsed" information to expose one of the non-biblical (or anti-biblical) doctrines of the Society can now be painted with the broad brush of being "disloyal to the written direction of the slave".

  • stevenyc

    The watchtower is again using funky words.

    So, just incase anyone thinks that that word "endorse" is a little grey, here is its definition:

    Merriam-Webster dictionary; http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/endorse

    One entry found for endorse.
    Main Entry: en·dorse
    Pronunciation: in-'dors, en-
    Variant(s): also in·dorse /in-/
    Function: transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s): -dorsed; -dors·ing

    Etymology: alteration of obsolete endoss, from Middle English endosen, from Anglo-French endosser, to put on, don, write on the back of, from en- + dos back, from Latin dorsum

    1 a : to write on the back of; especially : to sign one's name as payee on the back of (a check) in order to obtain the cash or credit represented on the face b : to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note c : to inscribe (as an official document) with a title or memorandum d : to make over to another (the value represented in a check, bill, or note) by inscribing one's name on the document e : to acknowledge receipt of (a sum specified) by one's signature on a document

    2 a : to approve openly <endorse an idea>; especially : to express support or approval of publicly and definitely <endorse a mayoral candidate> b : to recommend (as a product or service) usually for financial compensation <shoes endorsed by a pro basketball player>
    synonym see APPROVE
    - en·dors·able /-'dor-s&-b&l/ adjective
    - en·dors·ee /in-"dor-'sE, "en-/ noun
    - en·dors·er /in-'dor-s&r/ noun


  • BlackPearl
    Doubting Bro said - When I was an elder, I was always introducing secular information in my parts to try and validate what the WTS was saying. Actually, in doing research for the Daniel book, I really got into the 607/587 issue and ended up being convienced that the WTS was wrong. So, I can see why they don't want folks doing that sort of research.

    It would seem as though that the same reasoning is being used in the shortening of the Pubic Talk to thirty minutes. If it's a "manuscript only" outline and no personal comments are allowed, then there is no risk of of anything coming from the platform that isn't being controlled by the FD$S. Just read it, and get off the damn stage!


    (Of the,....thankful for having my own God given brain...class)

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