What is the NEW BUZZ in the Org?

by Save My Soul 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TopHat

    I am guessing and Active Apostate is someone in their mind "Who is out to destroy the WTS"

    An apostate is someone who left but is not out to get them!

  • bob1999

    Watchtower May 2007 page 30 and 31

    "Thus, it appears that we cannot set specific date for when the calling for Christians to the heavenly hope ends."

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    So they can't set a specific date....but they can set a specific number?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    So they can't set a specific date....but they can set a specific number? Won't that destroy the whole foundation of the religion?

  • Marcel

    my perception (and im active): the changes like the new wt and awake and some other stuff are a sign that end is nearer than everrrrr! things need to be more effective to save the last ones before big A.

    big A is just around the corner! see this evidence:

    - global warming
    - recently a big flood in the UK
    - terrorism
    - religion is in the critics
    - there is no new date for armageddon... it can come like a thief in the night now.

    its coming! its coming!!!!!!! aaah!

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Maybe they are getting ready to jump ship and head to the Bahamas, they are selling off a whole lot of properties these days. I certainly believe that the tract that they put out last summer about the end of false religion, was retribution for all the bad information about them on the inter-net and it's spreading fast as we know. Someone at headquarters is getting a little nervous! Their farcical marketing that they have been promoting over the years is starting to kick them in the butt.

  • outnfree

    Ohhhhh! So that explains why the Memorial Partaker figures haven't declined in the past 30 yrs! <insert rolling eyes here>

    So, yeah, what Burger said about the numbers... LOL Maybe it's limited to 144,000 per decade or per year or per millenium!?!!!

    Does it not occur to anybody here that with the heavenly hope being still open and Jesus' [Final] Coming still off in the future at a time when ALL will recognize what's happening that the JW religion is resembling Christendom more and more?

    I await the "new light" that will finally admit to the fact that Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit are "One" literally -- thus, that the trinity can also be accepted as true, also.

    How will they phrase it?

    "Thus, it appears that the original Aramaic text allows for the understanding that Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one in the sense that they are so united in purpose that there is no distinguishable difference between the three, and thus the three can be seen as One."


  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Sounds to me like they are starting to run a bit scared, the bible never foretold about the information highway did it..........dam technology !

  • journey-on

    That NEW BUZZ is all the flies swarming around a dying carcass.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul
    My aunt told me we are in the last days? Oh wait thats not new,

    Also the pope declared 1986 the year of peace.

    Isn't 1986 around the corner?

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