How Would You or Did You Leave The Organization??

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I sent a registered letter telling them to get out of my life, quit harassing me, and stop trespassing on my property. I told them I'd call the police and press charges for trespassing if they came to my house again. They stayed away.


  • shopaholic

    Transferred congos and started the fade. Didn't know the process had a name until I found JWD a few months ago. Anyway, two months into the fade I probably heard from two sisters and in the last 6 months I haven't gotten so much as a phone call...not to see if I was still alive or even for a memorial pep talk. At first I was a little bummed out that no cared now I'm kinda relieved.

  • changeling

    Welcome shopaholic!

  • memario

    Finally-Free I guess your a "DEFINITLY DO NOT CALL" type of person eh?

  • free2think

    I'm doing the fade.

  • JH

    I faded slowly.....then went back.......and faded again.......and went back........and faded again........and went back a little longer.....and faded again.......and went back........and faded again.

    So they think I want to go, but not strong enough to remain.

  • jaguarbass

    By 1983, I had fully absorbed the bulshxt and denial of 1975 and realized I was spending a large amount of time with lunatics. They were the ones they warnded me of. I was upset about not getting an education and having a family to support and still being in the old system.

    Around 82, I sensed through the mags or brothers that one could carry a gun and be a cop. This was a better than average paying job with retirement and benefits. I knew a brother at the hall who was a deputy. I go thru the 6 month process of getting hired and when I went to work for the sheriff the witnoids bombarded me. They wouldnt leave me a lone. I had 3 wactoid elder brother in laws. A wactoid elder father in law and all the wactoid friends and ancillary witnoid sheeple units. I couldnt sleep or eat without them calling, pestering, showing up at my door. I didnt know how to blow them off and I wasnt the kind of person to do that at the time. They were telling me I was going to get shot and be eternally dead out of Gods protection and will. Coming right out and telling me I was doing the wrong thing. That I should just count on Jehober to take care of me and my wife and child and house payment and car payment. I was working 2 jobs at the time my machinist job wich I gave a 2 week notice to and the sherrifs job. I was getting very little sleep and with the witnoid bombardment, I quit the sherrifs job. After I did so and got some sleep and rest, I realized what a major error I had made. After I had a couple of nights sleep. I said I will never go back there again. I will never allow such a bunch of ding bats to adversely effect my life. If I would have stayed with the sheriff, I would be retiring next year making more retired than most people make in Florida working full time. I could have spent the rest of my life playing and having fun. Since I rode the wactower fence, I will be working the rest of my life.

    So in a way in 83 it was my fault because I was riding the fence, I was trying to maintain family and friendships, the witnoid trap, by attending meetings. And I got squashed. Before 83, it wasnt as clear to me the danger of riding the fence, being double minded. But had my mother never brought home a wactower magazine when I was 1 year old, there would have been no wactower fence for me to ride.

    And had the watchtower society not been maintaining a culture of lies and deciet there would have been no fence for me to ride.

    LIES and deciet make this world go round. All so some lazy fat cats can sit in ivory towers and let honest people work for them.

  • monophonic

    i did a fade of mediocrity for about three years, feeling there was something wrong. but on august 1999 it hit me with a flash when we switched congregations b/c of a move and vibe of the hall was like slugging through mud to talk to anyone....everyone was a drain, missed one meeting and the elders were at our door later that day, i decided to stop going and they were even spying on us in cars and my wife took action to get our publisher cards out of that hall and into another hall that she was familiar with.

    it all clicked. geographic location affects what congregation you go to and one congregation will witch hunt you constantly....well two for me (not including the third where i only went to a couple of meetings before getting out), while two others were loving and didn't have to call me in the back room for every petty personality quirk. it felt like a different religion in a few halls. the light opened and i saw every single elder's meeting and witch hunt and horrid treatment of me when my friends had killed themselves and my family had broken down w/ depression and two different congregations became gestapo on us when we needed their support the most.

    a few years later, the 'light' got brighter, and therapy was suggested for 'extreme' cases, or whatever, whereas before if you were having depression issues they'd try to drill you for your secret sins.

    then i realized there was never an apology from the gov'ning body, just 'new light'. and always written in an arrogant, why haven't you been doing this already, kind of way...pushing the guilt onto the elders and publishers. and the elders, life long friends of my family, who shunned us b/c the depression in my family and suicides, never ever apologized, showed any concern over their past actions.

    it reminded me of a drunk husband who beats the shit out of his wife, then stops for a while w/o apologizing like everything's ok.

    the overall actions of society and elders sometimes mirror alcoholic behaviour, whether they drink or not.

    august 1999. cold turkey stop.

    elders came by w/ their family for dinner a couple of times, informally, people from the 'good hall', and they bugged me about nothing, never suggested a thing time an elder from the good hall mentioned to me that the work i was doing in film was ok and not to worry about the elders making a deal out of it if i came back to meetings. i thanked him. i believed him. but the elders from other halls were still trying to get me busted for my film work.

    i knew it wasn't the truth b/c of the abuse and inconsistencies and witch hunts for no reasons, and when i asked for support when dealing with depression and death, they decided to stop talking to me even when i went to meetings.

    i thank them for their idiocy. i knew it was wrong and i would never support it again. then read COC in 04 or 05 and confirmed the attitudes i witnessed, but i didn't know how deep and hurtful the governing body was.

  • esw1966

    I left the org kicking and screaming to stay in!

    I got df'd. For the SECOND time! Lost my family and marriage and children. So, I ventured into the world to find truth and to figure out some way to get my act together to be the good boy I was supposed to be.

    I left all I knew in Green Bay, WI and lived in my van on the streets of Manhattan, NY near Union Square for two months. Then went to Bellingham, WA.

    I called the elder who df'd me to see how my wife and children were doing. If they were well and if they were better off without me or if I should come back for them. He said that they were at all the meetings so they must be okay, but THAT HE HAD NEVER TALKED TO HER ABOUT IT!

    I was TICKED! Here the 'shepherd' of the flock who was in charge of my df'g never even ASKED her about how she was doing after 6 months! I told him, you are making me question my faith! He said, I'm sorry. What a JERK!

    I called a local elder to see if his reaction was proper. The local elder supported his comments and told me that I was trying to pit the two against each other and that he wouldn't do that. COWARD!

    So, I started investigating. I started questioning.

    I was in SHOCK! I couldn't believe I had been wrong all those years! (30) Then came my sad realization, I had trained my 3 daughters to BE that. I contributed to their lostness! I cried!

    Months later I was listening to every sermon I could get on my ipod to figure out what was true and not. Now I am born again attending 2 local community churches, Cornwall Church and Christ the King Church in Bellingham, every weekend. I LOVE it! It is so healing!

    I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Now, I weep for my family and try to figure out how to help them....

    Thanks forum for helping me get my balance and clarity! It seemed so bad to come here in the beginning. Now I see it as my therapy in getting jw teaching OUT! I work hard at that too!


  • R.F.

    I'm fading, but i've seemed to receive a little aid from the elders and one other in the congo. For now, the plan seems to be working perfectly.

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