real questions from the readers

by bigdreaux 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    thanks alpha, i couldn't figure out how to post that here.

  • brinjen

    I don't think they will make caffeine a disfellowshipping issue, I think this article was all about keeping the little dubs under control. Whoever asked the question must have first consulted their craptower index, (at least it's my impression that's what you are supposed to think) when they couldn't find anything recent enough, they did the right thing and sort advice from the WTBTS. Like all good little dubbies should. They never talk about anything without throwing in a few negatives, not unless it's something they've written of course.

  • AlphaOmega

    No problem Bigdreaux

    The WT Library shows many "hits" for caffine.


    g774/22p.26 Coffee, Tea, and Christians***


    Is the Bible’s View?


    Tea, and Christians


    *** g03 8/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***

    New Findings on Coffee"Decaffeinated coffee is no healthier than conventional coffee and may be just as likely to keep drinkers awake all night," states TheTimes of London. Research by scientists at University Hospital, in Zurich, Switzerland, suggests that because both forms of coffee affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems in almost identical ways, caffeine may not be the problem. Lead researcher Dr. Roberto Conti admits: "Until now we have attributed the cardiovascular effects of coffee to caffeine, but we found [that] non-coffee drinkers given decaffeinated coffee also display these effects. This demonstrates how little we know about the effects of one of our most popular beverages, and the most abundantly consumed stimulant worldwide."

    *** w90 2/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers ***

    Questions From Readers

    ? Should a Christian avoid coffee and tea because they contain the addictive drug caffeine?

    The Bible does not mention coffee or tea. But what it does say can help a Christian to decide whether he will drink coffee or tea.

  • bigdreaux

    you know, if we were still in, we'd probably be sneaking into starbucks, and sneaking out, like it's porn or something. lol i may go hang out at coffee shops and wait for the pioneers then hand them printed copies of this. lol oh, if only i had no life, i could have some fun.

  • AlphaOmega
    if only i had no life, i could have some fun

    Excellent. The possibilities are endless

  • bigdreaux

    yeah, now that i'm out of the org. i have the gull to actually have alot of good things going on in my life. i stay busy. i should be ashamed of myself. ohhhhh coffee's ready.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    The Bible does not rule out a Christian's consuming coffee, tea, chocolate, maté, and sodas that contain caffeine.

    That's all they really need to say on the matter.

  • Dragonlady76

    I heard that Brooklyn Headquarters is about to ban toilet paper from Kingdom Halls, because it stirs up controversy amongst the friends.

    The friends will be encouraged to bring along their own wiping device of choice from home.

    The lastest issue of the watchtower perhaps? alt

    I feel sorry for the poor tree used to print the borgs literature, if I were a tree and had the choice between the mags or toilet paper, I would choose to be a roll of charmin.

  • BCberean

    re. TP.....hmmmm....wondering if DOUBLE rolls are ok????......

    Seriously people...lets be fair...the article re coffee DID mention the health benefits of cofee.....does cofee have one f or two...too tired and lazy to check...havn't had my caffeine yet.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    One or two-ply? The possibilities about toilet paper are infinite.

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