real questions from the readers

by bigdreaux 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    I heard that Brooklyn Headquarters is about to ban toilet paper from Kingdom Halls, because it stirs up controversy amongst the friends.

    The friends will be encouraged to bring along their own wiping device of choice from home.

  • brinjen

    I heard that Brooklyn Headquarters is about to ban toilet paper from Kingdom Halls, because it stirs up controversy amongst the friends.

    The friends will be encouraged to bring along their own wiping device of choice from home.

    The lastest issue of the watchtower perhaps? alt

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    i wouldnt be in the least bit suprised if this was an attempt to curtail coffee breaks during service.

    i knew a special pioneer sister who would purposely wait in the van while we went inside in order to blackmail us into hurrying up.

  • sweetface2233

    The fact JWs would even ask this question just proves how completely brainwashed by and scared of the WTS they really are. Just by taking the time to address the question, the WTS is able further instill that they are equal to God and have the authority over every part of the JW's life.

    The light gets brighter and the sh*t gets deeper!

  • wednesday
    This gives a whole new twist to the phrase "holy rollers"

    lol gopher, from that comment I'd have thought you were in the south or southwest USA. lol

  • watson

    A couple of CO's noticed how much money was being dropped at Starbucks on Saturday mornings and got the ball rolling on this....think of the money this will free up for the contribution boxes!

  • Leolaia

    Can someone post a scan of this QFR?

  • bigdreaux

    i have a scanner, but, i don't know how to post the image here. i can maybe pm it to you.

  • WTWizard

    This might free up some money that had been going toward coffee at Tim Horton's or Starbucks. It might also eliminate all those coffee breaks, necessitating working non-stop from 9 AM through suppertime with only a lunch break (hold the Coke, because that has caffeine and make sure you do not get a chocolate shake since that has some caffeine also).

    But, what is this going to do for those who work at cafes? I remember those who worked for gambling casinos had to switch jobs. There are plenty of places that the primary job is serving coffee. Don't those nimwits realize that most of the Witlesses who are displaced from those jobs will not have any other secular work? And then where is the money that is supposed to go into the contribution boxes going to come from, Visa? And what happens when Visa decides that enough is enough and stops extending credit to the Witlesses?

    Poor integration all around. This is going to create trouble for those who depend on coffee to do all the work they are supposed to do (and if their time drops off, they are going to hear about it from the hounder-hounder when he shows up). And those who work around coffee are going to get more problems because they are going to have to find a job that doesn't involve that "death brew". I suppose they are going to call drinking coffee or eating chocolate unscriptural.

    I have a plan. If (when) they make it a disfellowship offense and they call me to a judicial hearing for eating chocolate, I am going to find the highest quality of organic dark chocolate (planning on spending around $10 for a 8-oz bar of the top brand I can find). Then, right as the prayer is starting (during the prayer), I am going to break off a piece and start nibbling on it right in front of the hounders. The hope is that it will tempt them into breaking that law ultimately. And I know that I will have not done anything that is inherently harmful, since it will be the highest quality and an organic chocolate, which is reputed to have health benefits. And they are supposedly going to worry about second-hand coffee or second hand chocolate? Remember, that's what they used on the smoking issue.

  • AlphaOmega

    I didn't believe it.... BUT IT'S TRUE !!!

    Questions From Readers

    Should a Christian avoid beverages and foods that contain caffeine?

    The Bible does not rule out a Christian's consuming coffee, tea, chocolate, maté, and sodas that contain caffeine. However, the Scriptures do provide principles that can help us to make wise decisions. Let us first consider why some people avoid beverages and foods that contain caffeine.

    One major reason is that caffeine might be considered to be a mood-altering drug, having a stimulating effect on the mind. It can also be addictive.

    A standard reference book for pharmacists states: "Prolonged, high intake of caffeine may produce tolerance, habituation, and psychological dependence.

    Physical signs of withdrawal such as headaches, irritation, nervousness, anxiety, and dizziness may occur upon abrupt discontinuation of the stimulant." The caffeine-withdrawal syndrome has been considered for inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, along with other drug withdrawal. Hence, it is understandable that some Christians may have concerns because they want to avoid any dependency and they desire to display self-control. —Galatians 5:23.

    Some believe that caffeine can affect a person's health or that of an unborn child. Christians must love God 'with their whole soul,' so they do not practice anything that will shorten their life. And since they are also commanded to love their neighbor, they stay away from things that might harm an unborn child. —Luke 10:25-27.

    Are such health concerns warranted? There is controversy about a link between various diseases and caffeine consumption. Some researchers even report that coffee is healthful.

    In 2006, Time magazine reported: "Initial studies suggested [that caffeine] might lead to bladder cancer, high blood pressure and other ills. More recent research has not only refuted most of those claims but also come up with some significant benefits. Caffeine appears to have some protective effect against liver damage, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, gallstones, depression and maybe even some forms of cancer." On the use of caffeine, a newsmagazine reported: "The key—no surprise—is moderation."

    Each Christian should make a personal decision based on his understanding of the information currently available about caffeine and on the Bible principles that seem to be involved. For example, a Christian who is an expectant mother may choose to refrain from taking in caffeine during her pregnancy if she concludes that it could affect her unborn child. If a Christian finds that being deprived of a regular intake of caffeine makes him irritable or somewhat ill, he might be advised to abstain from caffeine, at least temporarily. (2 Peter 1:5, 6) Other Christians should respect such a decision, not pressing their view.

    Whatever decision you make regarding beverages and foods containing caffeine, keep in mind Paul's admonition: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory." —1 Corinthians 10:31.

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