It`s Time to Bitch about Gas!!

by OUTLAW 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    wow - that's a lot for gas in the UK! I just filled up, under $3 for the first time in quite a while - I think I paid $2.79 which is pretty good for California. Now to be a boring old person: when I started driving, gas was 29 CENTS a gallon and a $5 bill would fill your tank. Of course, I only made $1 an hour, so it took five hours to earn the tank of gas. Nope, still works out about the same - the tank costs ten times as much as when I started driving, but at minimum wage you'd have to work about seven hours to fill the tank?

  • gladtidethings

    At you click a map of states or Canadian provinces and see where the cheapest reported gas stations are. Also, if you want a brand new ex-JW book by Bill Bowen click It's got all the details Ted Jaracz and the rest of the governing body don't want you to know of their ten years U.N. liaison affair which wasn't as they keep screeching just to have a library card - see and you'll know for yourselves.

    Long live reasonable pricing and bring on the hybrid cars!

  • restrangled

    Whats not so funny about this is..... any Americans working for our government can fill up in the UK current prices here in the US.

    So Whats the problem with this? Why aren't prices the same over the entire world? Whey are people in the UK paying double what we pay here in the US?

    Is this why we are presently wasting money in IRAQ? Why is gas at $3.00 per gallon in the U.S. and higher overseas? To simplify the matter, .....Europe is damn closer to the pipelines!!!!!

    Is Bush and his cronies at the bottom of this? What about his Arabian pals? I suspect all are suspect!!



    More good Gas Prices in the US..Maybe George Bush should invade Canada..LOL!!.....Mary ..Your getting a good deal.....aniron..$9.78 per gallon???..I thought I was being robbed..LOL!!..You need a "Gas Robin Hood"..He syphons gas from the rich peoples gas tanks and pours it into the poor peoples gas tanks!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • 5go

    Is this why we are presently wasting money in IRAQ? Why is gas at $3.00 per gallon in the U.S. and higher overseas? To simplify the matter, .....Europe is damn closer to the pipelines!!!!!

    Is Bush and his cronies at the bottom of this? What about his Arabian pals? I suspect all are suspect!!

    European countries tax the living daylights out of gas to get people to buy smaller cars. Honestly the US should do the same too.

    Oh and the oil companies want to break europe's hold on the future wealth it will bring from thinking ahead, so the oil companies can make higher profits through less regulations from the governments it controls through said action.


    cant compete with the uk lol but in new zealand i payed $1.69 yesterday shite i had over half a tank and it cost me $49 to fill up the rest!!!

  • BlackPearl

    I don't pay anything for gas, I get my gas from a garden hose. I invented a converter that extracts the Hydrogen from the water and burns it in the cylinders like gasoline. Hydrogen is highly flamable as you all may know. Anyhoo....the gas when burned with oxygen turns to steem at the tailpipe and goes back into the atmosphere as clean exhaust.

    OK, I haven't invented yet, but I'm working on it.


  • restrangled

    So can anyone figure out how to convert the methane from dogs?......It's very powerful stuff! Can't this be harnessed?

    I spend a lot of money on air fresheners....


  • MinisterAmos

    Now here's part of the science.......

    Gasoline is pegged in US Currency'

    US Currency has dumped over 40% of its value against the Euro/Loonie/dinar etc since Bush took over.

    In order for a barrel of oil to maintain its "real" value in the local currency, the seller must raise the price of oil in US dollars.

    IE: I have a barrel of oil and it's worth $10 dollars. My dinar trades at par, one for one, with the dollar. The dollar tanks and is now worth only 1/2 a dinar.

    Do I sell that oil for $10 which are now only worth 5 dinars or do I raise my price to $20 dollars thereby maintaining the price in my local currency of 10 dinars?

    And yes the dollar really has tanked.

    Give it a bit and you'll start to see the foreign currency eolling in in the biggest fire sale ever because cheap dollar=huge discount if you are paying with Euroes


    how come down here on nz we pay less than the uk(with further to travel) any ideas ?

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