My 20 year old JW brother is dating a 30 year old sister - should I worry?

by nicolaou 34 Replies latest social relationships

  • Mulan

    If it were me, I would worry. If she is 30 and single, she doesn't care how old he is.

    My pioneer partner was 40 and "mentoring" a disturbed 20 year old in our congregation. His mother was one of our close friends, and he was very troubled. I was the only one who worried about how close they were getting and talked to her about it all the time, but she was obviously dazzled by this young man who was so obviously in love with her. Within months, they got married. She was taken off the pioneer rolls, and they were not allowed to use the KH, and had a problem finding someone to marry them, but finally did. The marriage lasted 7 years. Finally they divorced because they just had nothing in common. The age difference was too much. She had a 17 year old daughter at the time, but she was not a problem for them, but it emphasized the age difference.

    So, concerned!!

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose
    is there such a shortage in the organization of attractive, intelligent and articulate young men like my bro' that even a 30 year old would consider him marriage material?

    Yes. If a girl is not married by the time she's 21, its slim pickin's. Oh, its sad what these "older" women will try to go after. I knew this short young guy who married a considerably older woman who was also taller than him. It was weird because it seemed like he was dating his mom. He was a total dork! He dyed his hair primary colors and drove a loud stupid car. And she acted like a mom.

  • Crumpet

    Good comment dragonlady!

    but I DO want him to have some fun.

    Tell him a 32 year old ex Jw is much more fun!

    I have a 20 year old I have been dating who can vouch for the fun!

  • Junction-Guy

    Outside of the religion aspect here, I dont see anything wrong with a 20 year old guy and a 30 year old woman. There are alot of beautiful, young looking 30 year old women. Also she will be more mature than a 20 year old girl, and she just might appreciate him as a husband considering how hard it is for some women to find a man in the JW religion. She probably wont take him for granted and she will probably treat him like a king.

    My only piece of advice for you to pass on to him is to take things slowly and dont rush into marriage.

  • restrangled

    From what I have heard from my friends (not JW's) that this is becoming a huge trend. Older women with younger men. One of my girlfriends was extremely upset because her 18 year old son was dating a 30 year old woman.

    My own 22 year old son was hit on by a girl about 27-30? year old. He was extremely flattered but I gave him a good talking to about this, and thankfully he decided It was not a good idea.

    Any woman considering a man or boy 10 years her junior is looking for a boy toy. As a woman, if I were single, could not imagine considering a man younger than myself. Its just got WRONG written all over it.


  • flipper

    Hello, Mr. Flipper here. Mrs. Flipper is 4 and a half years older than me at 52, but we have a lot in common. She is easygoing ,non witness, cool, and dosen't try to control me. But if your brother get's a jw woman, especially 10 years older, I can almost assure you she will be trying to control the relationship based on her alleged"experience" in life. My first marriage to my kids mom, she was a year and a half younger, and she tried to control me, her being a self righteous dub! Also, tell your brother, if he wants crazy ,nice, wild sex, a jw wife is not the way to go. I had 19 years of misery! Lesson to be learned

  • bigdreaux

    well, i am going to a j.w. wedding this weekend. the bride is 38, the groom is 23. this is starting to look like a trend. i am usually more attrected to older women as are alot of guys. most females under 25 don't have much to offer outside of the bedroom. my wife is the exception to this rule. she's 20, i am 30. i always pictured myself with an older woman. they usually have alot more to offer.

  • lisavegas420

    I really dont' think age is what makes or breaks a marriage. It depends on the people involved. My husband is 18 years older than I am. We will be married 14 years next month.

    I've never dated anyone younger then me...almost always the same age or much older.

    Would I date a younger man? It would depend on the man...I like stabilty. I like feeling like I have someone mature to turn to. hahahaha...ok he's a man...he's not THAT mature.


  • Dragonlady76

    Since we have defined this is a trend.....

    Any young men wanna hook up with a 30 year old apostababe

  • OnTheWayOut
    Any woman considering a man or boy 10 years her junior is looking for a boy toy.

    When I was a teen and still when I was twenty, I wish some woman ten years
    older than me was looking at me as a prospective boy toy. Yeee Haaa.

    We can't place our own feelings on someone else's choice of partners.

    The ten years doesn't seem like a big deal. Just tell him to be careful (as mentioned).

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