Has your brain been re-wired with the "F" word?

by Gregor 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled


    This story some may find funny or just stupid. My mother has been a full blown witness all her life but had a "mouth" on her. She occasionally used the word "Sh*t, Damn , or Sob.

    My Father, came into the truth before they were married but never used a swear word in his life that I ever heard, and mom backed that up. When ever my mother swore my father was mortified.

    One day she was in traffic.... she is a very timid driver, but some guy cut her off big time so she was royally pissed off...She proceeded to say FU and flipped him her index finger, not the middle one...the first one. Everyone in the car was in hysterical laughter!


  • Shawn10538

    I LOVE THE F WORD!!! F[rick]in' aye!!!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    F this thread ;-)

  • Mum

    Interesting point about the different part of the brain. Maybe that is an explanation for something I've wondered about, namely why people with Tourette's syndrome can't control their use of foul language.

    Personally, I was always a goody two-shoes until my 30's. I suppressed my bitterness and anger. I never swore because I spent my formative years with my grandparents who did not, and I did not think it intelligent or refined.

    Once I was in my 30's, and my "good girl" approach to life was not working for me, I started to let loose. I've gotten better, but I can still cuss like a grown-up when the anger flares.



  • Warlock


    I was hard-wired with that word and ALL it's variations.

    The problem is, it has been retrieved from memory.


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I wonder if that's the same part of brain that makes someone with Tourette's Syndrome curse, when they don't usually.

    What the f**k.

  • LeslieV

    Well I am screwed. If it is a part of the brain that doesn't die when you have a stroke, or have dementia I will be cursing at everyone that I can see. I have no problem using any vulgar language. I have to remind myself at work that I can't, but at home I swear like a sailor.


  • jgnat

    I ccccan't. Except when quoting others. Drives hubby insaaaane when I do. He likes my language well-scrubbed.

    I blame my mother. Her deepest word of misery was "rats". And my massive vocabulary. There are thousands of ways I can insult an idiot without him even being aware.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I don't know about the hard wiring thing, but I've always had very colorful speach (damn, I can't remember how to spell speech) WTF????

    Anyway, I can let loose like a sailor. My kids say it's the jersey coming out when I get started??

    What I really hate is when someone uses the first letter of the "bad word", if you'r gonna say the letter might as well say the damn word!


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I've never used the "F" word in my life ... come to think of it, I can't remember ever using profanity. Even my husband knows this. One time he even bet money on it!

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