What was your earliest memory of being a witness?

by mtsgrad 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    My earliest memory was being handed the latest magazines upon exiting the womb.

    Rub a Dub

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Mine was scary. I must have been only about 2 years old at the time. I was at the meeting with my grandparents and I remember a girl trying to pick me up and me wiggling and crying NO! GRAMMA!!! Of course, Gramma came to the rescue, took me on her lap and comforted me.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    The reason for all of the discipline stories is because of the fact that our parents were following the Bible scripture that says that if you beat a boy he will not die. They were trying to save our lives by beating us red, black and blue. You think we would remember nice kHELL experiences as kids???????????? Are you serious????????????????

  • BFD

    My mom converted when I was 5. We were catholic before that and whenever we would pass a church we would bless ourselves with the sign of the cross. I remember the first time I was told not to do that anymore because it wasn't God's house.

    I also remember being told never to say 'God Bless You' when someone sneezes. I got a good yelling at and told how stupid I was when I asked if it was still OK to say thank you. I just thought it was polite to say GBY, just like saying thank you.

    My dad never bought into the lie and the last Christmas tree we had stayed up until April the next year. There were hardly any pine needles left on it by the time it got taken out to the garbage.


  • TheCoolerKing

    My earliest and one of my worst JW memories had to be spending the night sleeping in the back of our car on the side of the highway! I was about 4 at the time.

    My mom was driving us home from NY. We had just attended a JW assembly at Yankee Stadium. Anyway, our car broke down on the turnpike. Mom had very little money, no credit cards and of course this was in the days before cell phones! So five of us kids and mom spent the whole night sleeping on the side of the road! I seem to recall that it was raining hard too.
    The next morning one of my older brothers and mom walked along the side of the highway looking for some kind of phone. They eventually got in touch with my uncle and he came and picked us up.

    The funniest part (at least for me at the time) was that in the morning my oldest brother discovered that the lemonade thermos had accidentally opened during the night and his new shoes were soaked! He proceeded to say an expletive, and mom whirled around and clocked him in the head!


  • sammielee24

    The first memory is of being bullied by a little kid whose parents were at our house studying with my parents. I was about 2 or 3 and in my crib - he was poking fun at me. My first proud moment was working territory - I memorized an 8 minute, 3 scripture sermon until I had it down perfectly - I was about 6 years old and was pushed out of the car to do my first witness all alone. The guy at the door took the book and of course I got a lot of applause for that....I had been so scared that I really didn't want to do it again. Fifty years later I still was -

  • Flowerpetal

    My earliest memory was being handed the latest magazines upon exiting the womb.

    Too funny!!!

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