What was your earliest memory of being a witness?

by mtsgrad 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I remember sitting in the principals office in about 2nd or 3rd grade for not saluting the flag and also not celebrating any of the holidays festivities.

  • undercover

    Going to a circuit assembly...back then it was held in a rented school auditorium...and getting in trouble with the attendants for running around the lobby. I kept ignoring them until I fell and cut my hand. Then he grabbed me and dragged me to my mom...don't remember how he found her. I got a good whipping. I was about 5, maybe 6.

    I can't remember meetings or anything JW related from when I was 3 or 4, but I have other memories not related to the KH or JWs from that age.

  • mtsgrad

    Why are so many memories related to physical disciple?

    Be nice if sobody said they went to the park more often!

  • Hortensia

    I remember when I was six years old, my mother took me into her bedroom and gave me a blouse and said "this ISN'T for your birthday." She was raised in the org. but left to marry a sailor, then went back when I was six.

  • loosie

    My earliest JW memory was when I was 5. I was sitting at the dinning room table on the other side the the dinning room table was my mom and the PO (Prick of the year). He proceeded to tell me how I would die at armageddon if I didn't stop talking to my DF'd brother. This was in 1974.

    Finally after I was bawling my head off my mother said ok that's enough and the conversation ended.

    I think the conversation should have never started. I wasn't baptized so it didn't matter what I did at 5 yrs old.

    I'm glad that prick of the year is dead, now.

  • PEC

    I promised that my life was an open book.


    Here goes, I was about four and didn't want to go in the field service. We are in this apartment building, I wait until we are at door and the person answers and then I stood there and peed my pants. That didn't get me out of the field service, I got to finish with wet pants. I never tried that again.


  • JK666

    I remember my mother giving me to a brother to hold me that smelled really bad. I cried, I think I was probably 2 y.o. JK


    ..Getting the shit beat out of me in the Kingdom Hall parking lot,as a toddler.....A real nice memory from my AssH*le Parents!!...OUTLAW

  • Swan

    Going to an assembly at the Anchorage Branch Office. Meeting Nathan Knorr. I stood there for the longest time while Mom talked with him. Later Mom said that he didn't like my misbehaving. How did he communicate that to her? Mental telepathy?

    And I was only shifting back and forth from foot to foot because my legs were tired. We had just come in from out in the cold (I remember the snow). Hey, I was just 3 or 4 years old then.

    He was just some old fart, not Jesus Christ (actually, Jesus would have talked to me, and maybe materialized a chair, a warm blanket, and a sardine sandwich. He didn't hate kids like Knorr did.).

    Got news for you Mom. I didn't like Knorr misbehaving either when I found out what he had been up to. (See Crisis of Conscience for details on Mexico, Malawi, and Jehovah's will being decided by a two-thirds vote.)


  • ex-nj-jw

    Being taken to the bathroom for a spanking. I got several at each meeting, just couldn't sit still!


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