What was your earliest memory of being a witness?

by mtsgrad 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad

    Was your memory good, bad or ugly?

  • Odrade

    Following the wrong pair of legs out to the KH parking lot, then not knowing how to get back inside. I was about 3.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Tying my moms belt to a chair while she was giving a talk, and her standing up and taking the chair with her. Laughing my ass off with the rest of the congregation. Getting the most terrible spanking you could ever imagine afterwards for doing it. 6 years old.


  • mtsgrad


    I know there is a terrible joke lurking in your comment somewhere!


  • mtsgrad


    That is just brilliant. I might try that at work tomorrow!

  • ush419

    Feeling like i belonged, but to what I wasn't sure, there were a lot of red flags but I ignored them, what an idiot I was.

  • mtsgrad

    Some of my earliest memories were being given answers by my mum to then give to the cong.

  • Dragonlady76

    I remember not being allowed to celebrate anything, birthdays, christmas, all those great holidays filled with fun and presents were taken from me. I didn't understand and felt cheated, I knew it didn't make sense to me.

    It's one thing to be born and raised a JW not having ever expirenced wordly holidays etc, but when your a little kid and your world all of a sudden is swept up from under you, there is no gentle or easy way to understand or transition to a new way of life.

  • lisavegas420

    My earliest memory is falling asleep at the meeting and getting woke up as I was jerked out of the chair and taken to the bathroom to be spanked with a pingpong ball paddle. I was 3.

    I hated the meetings. I always got spanked for either falling to sleep or wiggling around (probably trying to stay awake).


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Sleeping on a blanket under my parents stadium seats it was freaking cold

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