I'm Not Minimus.

by Blueblades 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Come on minimus -reply to this thread and make blueblades feel the love

  • sass_my_frass

    I reject your reality and substitute my own!

    Well not really, but hopefully you feel better after all the partying.

  • blondie

    I'm not a minimus either. Except for my review thread, few of my other threads advance beyond 20.

    Someone else just posted a topic I had without much action but suddenly people were posting. I guess we think it was the same, but there was just a slight difference. In my case,

    Left it more open-ended for comment; didn't cover all the points in the first post.

    Make the question more provocative, open to opinion, rather than factual.

    Big tip: minimus goes in after a few posts and makes a small comment which bumps it up and keeps it going perhaps commenting on someone else's comment. Threads sometimes need cultivating and pruning and a little fertilizer on a timely basis to keep them alive and growing.


  • PEC

    F minimus, I am not afraid of am old 7UP mascot.


  • nvrgnbk
    Threads sometimes need cultivating and pruning and a little fertilizer on a timely basis to keep them alive and growing.


    Are you suggesting that minimus is full of $hit?


  • poppers

    If it makes you feel any better, I purposely avoid minimus' threads because they are mostly repeats worded differently.... just kidding (well, not really - I do keep reading them). I love ya, you big red spot, and keep 'em coming.

  • WTWizard

    The reality is that there is only one Minimus on this forum. As I see it, there is no reason for us to try to be exactly like anyone else. If anything, that would set someone up for another cult, since all it takes for a cult to form is for one person to follow another too closely and not be able to break free.

    I will continue to respond to posts that create the most value toward ruining the Watchtower Society and making them pay for the damage they have caused. I don't believe in favoring any one poster: it wouldn't really matter whether it's the lead poster or the one that just joined. If I can add value to this forum and help ruin the Watchtower Society and expose their misdeeds, I will do so.

  • Paralipomenon

    I am Spartacus!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Contrary to popular opinion, Minimus is not a 7-UP red dot! He is only disguised as such. He is really a cherry coke cherry. With stick arms and stick legs you would not recognize him - which is the point. A cherry has to be careful.

    Now on the other hand, Blueblades is also disguised, but I can't tell you the truth - he told me he would cut me.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I think Gopher had a good point:

    Maybe it's the marketing -- Minimus did careful research to show that people have an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the red M&M character because it is humanized and can dance.

    A straight-edge blade is hard to humanize, and it can't dance.

    But I'll champion your cause and bttt this thread at least once. C'mon Red Dot. I DARE you to post on this thread! Open Mind

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