Open Discussions About The Paranormal

by The wanderer 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Arrogance only alienates people.

  • hillary_step


    So am I supposed to kiss his ring..............................or his ass?

    Try my ring this time around, as my arse is otherwise engaged in a project whose overall concept was sent to me telepathically by the Ghost Of Jacob Marley, UFO chauffeur to His Majesty, Rufus of Andromeda. (New paragraph.)

    That having been said, I would like to commend you on the brevity of your post, the winsome nature of your chosen phrase and the depth of your question.(End of paragraph)

    HS (abbreviated version of Hillary Step)

  • nvrgnbk
  • jaguarbass

    If an individual is confident and convinced that, his is the “right path”, then why do
    they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    If some people cant intellectually win the argument they have to belittle and attack the character of their opponent. They are spiritual republicans.

  • nvrgnbk
    They are spiritual republicans.

    I love that jaguar! LOL!

  • quietlyleaving


    On several occasions, it could not be helped but to notice that individuals who
    were having these discussions were often heckled, insulted or criticized by those
    who were somehow “put off” or offended by the discussion.

    If an individual is confident and convinced that, his is the “right path”, then why do
    they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    As my mother used to say

    If it doesn't kill you it can only make you stronger

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Well hot damn, Mr Step (Mrs?) has beautifully illustrated exactly WHAT the topic was about!

    So am I supposed to kiss his ring..............................or his ass?


    Neither, probably ignore him and maybe he (she?) will go away.

  • Warlock


    So am I supposed to kiss his ring..............................or his ass?

    Try my ring this time around, as my arse is otherwise engaged in a project whose overall concept was sent to me telepathically by the Ghost Of Jacob Marley, UFO chauffeur to His Majesty, Rufus of Andromeda. (New paragraph.)

    That having been said, I would like to commend you on the brevity of your post, the winsome nature of your chosen phrase and the depth of your question.(End of paragraph)

    HS (abbreviated version of Hillary Step)

    You ARE a funny guy..............................sometimes. Warlock

  • hillary_step


    Neither, probably ignore him and maybe he (she?) will go away.

    As I have an aversion for being patronized and condescended to, and as I resent being instructed by another poster as to how I may or may not conduct myself while answering his posts, a common methodology of Wanderer in all his threads, this is not likely.

    What I would suggest is that you set your naivety meter a little higher up the scale.


    PS "Try not to become too emotional in your response."

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    First of all I would like to commend you for the depth of your questions, the dignity of your formatting, the respectful way that you ignore things that are naughty, and the fact that you do not behave as others do. It shows a level of maturity missing in many others who post on this Board and say nasty things to one another, not realizing that to be respectful is the absolute pinnacle of debating achievment, second only to being a very, very nice, solid and wise person, such as yourself.

    I think that I speak for the rest of the Board when I thank you for coming into our community and straightening us all out. Not only are your multi-font, multi color, slogan-like posts attractive to the eye but prove that you, like no other, understand the wisdom of being brief, to the point and always missing the point.

    We love you Wanderer and enjoy very much being counselled by our betters, such as yourself. I know that you give Hillary Step the creeps, but what does he know about people who are genuine enough to continually commend us for our posting style. That you show little interest in the content of posts, but much more interest in their presentation shows that you have been gifted with a Board magic that very few could aspire to. It also makes us feel very safe when we post, as we realize that you grasp the marketing adage so well, 'An ounce of presentation is worth more than a pound of performance'

    .....errrrr.....What was this thread about now?


    Excellent post. Well presented. Beautiful logic. You really are coming on my, boy! You have said all that needs saying about this subject. Now, if we can get you to format your paragraphs as if you were writing a Kellogs advert, and drop any emotional tone whatsover, you might even get the 'Wanderer Pat On The Pointy Head' award.


    As I have an aversion for being patronized and condescended to, and as I resent being instructed by another poster as to how I may or may not conduct myself while answering his posts, a common methodology of Wanderer in all his threads, this is not likely.

    What I would suggest is that you set your naivety meter a little higher up the scale.


    PS "Try not to become too emotional in your response."

    Mr(Mrs?) Step,

    What is wrong, please, explain, with asking others to just be polite? Yeah, you know sometimes we get upset and say things. But you, something about Hilary, set out to be rude. You just sort of come out of nowhere and attack a person.


    Why get so mean when a person requests that you be polite? I don't understand.

    What we're all wanting to know. From not just you, but everyone....

    There is so much, I do think, that hard atheists and skeptics have to offer, if they could do that without attacking a person, the information would be better received by some. No, not all. But some might be more receptive if some of them (being the skeptics and hard atheists etc) would approach the conversation without putting a person's belief in God on the same level as Santa Claus. Belittling? Yes a great deal. We have people here who have had experiences with the paranormal, and these people are constantly putting up with people barely stopping short of calling them delusional.

    So all Wanderer is trying to do, as do some others, is ask that the discussion move along without the belittling. Without the personal attacks.

    And yep, maybe I am naive enough to believe that that is possible. Funny though, that there are still many people here who feel the same way.

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