Open Discussions About The Paranormal

by The wanderer 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome
    then why do they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    Because, when people disseminate false information and superstitions they are harming society as a whole by causing people to suspend logic and reason in favor of fantasy and fairytales.

    so in order to prevent the suspension of logic and reason in others, you suspend your own logic and reason by belittling those who have in your subjective opinion suspended logic and reason. makes sense

  • Blueblades

    Richard, your UFO EVIDENCE page is something that does give someone with an open-mind something to think about. Also, unless one has their own personaL experience with the unknown, as some have made the claim, some will remain skectics, suspending their beliefs.

    It's like when someone says that they are "BORN AGAIN", only they have had that personal experience and they can't prove it to anyone else. Should we then accuse them of suspending logic and disseminating false information that there is no such thing as being born again, that no one by the name of Jesus appeared to them and because of that event they were now born again?

    I don't question born agains, it's their own personal experience, its not for me to dispute it. Likewise, I also don't question those who make claims about the paranormal, it's their own personal experience, and again not for me to dispute it.

    Has anyone born again ever given evidence to others that they actually seen what they seen? No! Because they can't when it's so very personal.

    Has anyone seeing the unknown objects ever given evidence about what they actually seen? Yes! As your evidence page has shown, and this is not personal as it is very public all over the globe.

    These are my thoughts on your topic. I can take constructive criticism concerning my thoughts on this subject.


  • Pleasuredome

    new photographic evidence from the roswell incident

  • Blueblades

    As I was thinking about the responses to this topic, I was thinking about the background of the persons who experience both being born again and the paranormal.

    I would lean toward them both being of sound mind and leading a normal life, functioning among sane people in a normal society. Not manic depressive, schizoid, or a closet psychotic.

    It could be suggested that there is some kind of external physical force at work here. But, until an "EEG" electroencephalogram were done to see if it turned up any brain wave abnormality I say that the experience is divored from mental health or the faculties of psychological perception.

    So, knowing that I don't know what born again and paranormal experiences are like, I suspend belief and disbelief.


  • ButtLight

    Some Individuals Are “Put Off” With The Subject

    On several occasions, it could not be helped but to notice that individuals who
    were having these discussions were often heckled, insulted or criticized by those
    who were somehow “put off” or offended by the discussion.

    I know of several posters who prefer to pm instead of post about the subject for that reason.

    It doesnt bother me that people dont believe in it. I dont mind the "discussions" either, till someone gets cut down. I see no reason for that. Its not that hard to give an opinion, without making them look like they are some kind of nutter butter!

    I had to learn to grow some alligator skin for these kinds of threads.

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    that "UFO evidence" page is goofy. all but two of those sightings were reported by people who probably had no training regarding the visual identification of objects in the air, most of which occured at night or twilight, you know, when most car accidents occur. because people cant see very well. at night. because its dark, ya know? just because someone is a trained biochemist or geologist or engineer doesnt mean they know what theyre looking at all the time. especially at night.

    I dont think people who believe in these things(ghosts, ufos and the like)are stupid. For what its worth, most of the people ive met in my life who believed these things were not the "crazed moms basement dweller" types but were honest open hearted people, more likely than others to be, well, nice i guess.

    But to me its that aspect of their personality that lends itself so well to the gullibility necessary(by my estimation), to believe this stuff.

    Ive never met any of the believers on this board in person, god willing someday i will, but im sure theyre all first rate people, not a chronic asshat such as myself.

  • funkyderek

    The Wanderer:

    On several occasions, it could not be helped but to notice that individuals who
    were having these discussions were often heckled, insulted or criticized by those
    who were somehow “put off” or offended by the discussion.

    I've noticed that. Often, as soon as I get involved in one of these discussions I am heckled for asking questions, correcting mistakes or pointing out alternative, more plausible explanations for the events. It sometimes seems as if those posting about the paranormal don't want anybody disagreeing with them and as you say, actually get offended by the fact that it is discussed critically. This is borne out by comments in this and other threads.

    If an individual is confident and convinced that, his is the “right path”, then why do
    they feel a need to belittle others who are engaged in a harmless discussion?

    Generally they're not confident. The merest suggestion that they or someone they know might be mistaken seems to induce such apoplexies of rage in some people that it becomes impossible to have a rational conversation and discuss the available evidence. This seems to be exactly what they want as there never is any evidence, and the application of reason would damage their worldview.

    I don't want to name names but you started this thread so it's not entirely unfair to single you out. In previous threads you have posted spurious information repeatedly. When the validity of the information was questioned you reacted angrily, indignantly accusing people of calling you a liar. When the falsehoods you had posted were rigorously exposed as such, you simply posted the exact same information again as if it hadn't been thoroughly debunked. This sort of disrespectful timewasting on your part can be extremely annoying to anybody looking for a productive discussion. (You are not, by any means, the only person who behaves like this.)

    My impression about individuals who engage in these actions are that they seem
    to be as curious as everyone else about the subject, but in order to “save face”
    and “appease” others who think as they do, they opt to engage in a ridicule
    campaign of sorts.

    Sort of. Those who refuse to expose their beliefs to the sort of questions that might disprove them are apt to engage in all sorts of behaviour in order to avoid this. They choose to use much lower standards of evidence when it comes to their pet beliefs, they criticise anyone who questions them as being closed-minded, they demand respect for their beliefs no matter how insane and sometimes they avoid even exposing these ideas to an open forum for fear of criticism. It seems that they're unwilling to accept the possibility of a world in which they're not guarded by angels or battling with demons, and therefore indulge in further irrational behaviour to shore up their worldview. Others of their ilk quickly rally round and declare that they too believe in the supernatural incident even though they did not experience it and have never met the person who claims they did.

    It's telling that the same names appear again and again in threads about the supernatural. Interesting too, the huge overlap between those who seem to take all supernatural claims at face value no matter how unlikely, and those who refuse to believe the official version of any news event. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to ponder why so many people fit into both these seemingly unrelated categories.

  • Sunspot

    It just seems that folks here can't just explore this subject with others of like mind without fear of being made to appear foolish for doing so. I have held back many times on topics of this nature, and in the past, have been bold and then put down for things I have said (or seen), or my personal views.

    There always seems to be a few that feel compelled to jump in and saying things that are unkind or border on it. It is too bad, because unlike the teachings of a strict and demanding religion, the subject and the discussion on the Paranormal is not going to purposely mislead others, is not going to hurt anyone, or convince them to make stupid and most regrettable mistakes in ruining their lives.

    Just my 2 cents...


  • Pleasuredome
    There always seems to be a few that feel compelled to jump in and saying things that are unkind or border on it. It is too bad, because unlike the teachings of a strict and demanding religion, the subject and the discussion on the Paranormal is not going to purposely mislead others, is not going to hurt anyone, or convince them to make stupid and most regrettable mistakes in ruining their lives.

    well said. i'm glad you can use logic and reason

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear FunkyDerek:

    "...they demand respect for their beliefs no matter how insane..."-FunkyDerek (partial quote)

    Explain why the possibility of the
    paranormal cannot exist or is an
    "insane" notion as you imply or


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