Open Discussions About The Paranormal

by The wanderer 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    I guess that we will have to agree to disagree on this subject. I find very little in your post above that I could agree with, including your definitions of what takes place on a discussion board when a controversial issue is debated/discussed. Another day, I would be very interested to hear just how you feel that a discussion and a debate differ on an on-line discussion Board.

    Hence, therefore, the idea of formatting the articles similar to what they were seeing in the magazines was partly done for purposes of spoofing (parody) and partly for added shock value.

    ....and I am sure that you agree that IF this was your motive for such formatting (and I do not entirely believe you), it is likely to raise among contributors to the Board the very combatitive behavior that you claim to find disturbing! Are you that muddle-headed? I doubt it very much.

    Anyway, my approach to individuals on this board is to build bridges of communication and not to construct walls of division. I have friendly relationships on this board.

    Richard, I have now REPEATEDLY intoned, you are entirely entitled to your own 'approach' as to how you post, or deal with posters, that has NEVER been the issue. What is the issue is that you have REPEATEDLY tried to monitor and counsel others into posting according to YOUR values - that is the issue. The criticisms of your own posting style came as a direct result of you counselling AlanF as to how he should post on this Board, and what the content of his posts should be. Rather than learn from these criticisms, you have continued to this moment in the same style.

    I have to say that you are very slow to see the big picture Richard. I hope that you see it now.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Hill:

    "...counsel others into posting according to YOUR values - that is the issue."-hillary_step

    I see your perspective and understand what
    you are saying. The values that you mention
    that I "counsel" others are partly described
    in the board's rules and from college.

    No one on this board is totally ignorant
    concerning the rules of this community it
    is spelled out quite nicely during the sign
    up process.

    In addition, I also adhere to some of the
    suggestions according to the source below
    and try to treat others accordingly.

    Anyway, I agree with you in the sense that
    we should leave this (discussion/debate) for a
    future time and date.

    Respectfully, Richard

  • hillary_step


    Still counselling I see.

    I see your perspective and understand what you are saying.

    No, you do not.

    The values that you mention that I "counsel" others are partly described in the board's rules and from college.

    What give you the right to 'counsel' anyone? Starting a thread and in the very first post instructing persons as to how they should reply to the thread is the height digital arrogance. If you cannot see that, then you have serious issues. I personally think you actually have seen the point but are merely being stubborn.

    As I have noted in a reply to you on this thread, the moderators are the only persons who should 'counsel' others as to their posting style and content. Why have you set yourself up as such?

    You seem to be unable to see the point. The 'online etiquette' website that you are now using to counsel me has little on common with an on-line discussion Board made up of XJW's! Read the parameters more carefully and you will see why - if you have not blinded yourself to the obvious that is - but again THIS IS NOT THE POINT.

    What you may view as a badly formatted post, an overblown comment or a heated discussion, is YOUR view of such. Why do you seek to monitor the behavior and posting style of other posters? THIS IS THE POINT! It is almost as if you miss the authority that you may have had in the WTS and have found a new vocation.

    I have little else to add Richard.


  • wednesday

    I love to talk about the paranormal .

    I have not read this entire thread but looks like it became a pi**ing contest.

    I had an angel or spook, whatever, touch me. I was walking through the den, and tripped over the dog. Someone unseen grabbed my arm and kept me from falling.

    this happened to me.

    Who do you suppose it was?

  • Warlock

    I had an angel or spook, whatever, touch me. I was walking through the den, and tripped over the dog. Someone unseen grabbed my arm and kept me from falling.

    this happened to me.

    Who do you suppose it was?

    And now..................................back the the subject of this thread, the paranormal, not the normal.


  • wednesday

    I looked at the thread and it appeared those wanting to talk about it were being beat down by those who say it is illogical. I know there are many of us out there who have had paranormal experiences,

    surely we can talk in this thread. Surely we will not disturb others clear thinking with this one little thread.

  • nvrgnbk


    I know there is no supernatural or paranormal!

    The demons living in my attic have told me that repeatedly.

    Noisy bastards that they are.

  • Warlock


    You need to read some of these threads from the recent past.

    Same old, same old.

    People like you and I are just imagining things, you know.


  • SixofNine

    Considering what I feel like doing wrt (his particular) free expression whenever I read one of Wanderer's post, the "Kent State" linking above gets a wry grin out of me.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Really.. this whole discussion is patently ridiculous because people who believe in the paranormal can't be dissuaded from believing in it, because you can't prove a negative. You can say "Well, that didn't happen to you" and they will just deny that.

    People that DON'T BELIEVE in the paranormal can try all they will, but they really can't prove that what happened to the person DIDN'T happen, they can only say what MIGHT have happened.

    From now on, it would be good if people divided into two groups: those that believe in the paranormal, and those that don't, instead of mixing. The ones that believe can't prove the other ones wrong, and likewise.


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