Where do you go for your spiritual needs?

by Blindbutnowisee 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird


    The site above works for me. It is called Daily Bible Study and it is just that. You can accept it or reject it, but I've learned more about the BIBLE from that site than anywhere else. And I don' t have to rush around trying to get ready for five weekly meetings to do so.


  • snowbird

    Monty Python DVDs

    Arthur, good to see you're back! I've been asking about you. That little smiling baby you have as your avatar makes me feel better just by looking at him.


  • exjdub

    The words ''spiritual need'' is a term made up by the JW's.

    It's dung.

    It's nothing but a sales pitch to make you feel that you NEED THEM to tell you how to run your life and be spiritual.

    You can find spirituality within yourself.

    If you need to believe in Jesus, then turn to him if that makes you feel good.

    I personally have left that behind...and now I take in every moment, and see everything with new open eyes...I'm not just waiting to be saved anymore, I'm saving myself, I'm living my life, living in each moment and second, that's spirituallity to me.

    What it is to you may be a whole different story. Just go with what works for you.


    Very beautiful, very poetic, and very true...


  • Flowerpetal

    We either have spirituality within ourselves, or don't. I like eclipse's comments, but if I want to hear something of a Christian spiritual nature, I listen to Shepherd's Chapel on TV. Granted, some of their beliefs are a little strange, but I do like their idea of who the anti-Christ is and when he will appear.

    I also like that they consider the Bible, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. I have heard some verses I never heard before.

  • jaguarbass

    I think the witnoids or someone like them created your spiritual need by telling you you had one to fill.

    Thats capitalism, create a need and fill it.

  • IP_SEC

    The bar...

    oh ya and Half Price Books.

  • poppers

    "I listen to Shepherd's Chapel on TV"

    I like to watch this just to be amused. Some of the stuff pastor Arnold says is so outrageous it's funny. On the other hand, I am being exposed to the bible as never before, even if it takes on Arnold's slant on things. But that only makes me realize how screwy the bible really is.

  • quietlyleaving

    I've taken to sitting in the lotus position as in poppers' avatar for 20 mins each day contemplating my breathing. That to me is caring for my spiritual needs, its also very energizing - marvellous for giving one a straight back too - a win win situation

  • Smiles_Smiles

    I think quite possibly the whole 'spiritual need' phrase is a JW thing. I don't consider myself as 'needing' 'spiritual food' even though I would consider myself quite spiritual (and not at all religious). If I want to read or see something that may be 'considered spiritual' in nature then I just do it. Movies, magazines, books (not religious in nature). I am pretty open to anything as long as it is not religious (been down that road and have no desire to revisit it). I do yoga at times and things of the such but I don't necessarily think of that as spiritual. hmmm ....

  • Nellie

    I'm really shocked at the cavalier attitude that many of you have expressed to this question. . . Witnesses didn't create the phrase "spiritual need" - God did. That much I know is true - otherwise, millions of people wouldn't be involved in all the many religions there are worldwide.

    I was raised a Witness (actually I raised myself since no one else in my house was one - and I was 8 years old when I began studying) so their religion is the only one I know intimately. Having left, I'm gun-shy of jumping into another "religion" - but I do recognize a spiritual need within me. I've come to accept (as many of the posters agree) that I don't NEED a religion to be spiritual, but there are times when I would like to be among others who share the desire to talk about God. I don't know where I'll end up, but I imagine it will be some sort of non-denominational place. In the meantime, I still try to live a life I believe God and/or Jesus would be proud of. Which at the end of the day is what I believe being spiritual really means.

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