Where do you go for your spiritual needs?

by Blindbutnowisee 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    "Where do you go for your spiritual needs, after giving up on a cult?"

    There is a persistent assumption that one's "spiritual needs" must be satisfied by something outside oneself, and that is just not true. Within oneself there exists wholeness and fulfillment right now, but the realization of that wholeness isn't dependent upon anything other than attending to what's immediate and true in this moment. It's not unusual to be more attendent to that while walking in nature when the mind drops its usual commentary on everything and drops away altogether. But one can just as easily exerience it by closely paying attention to the answer to question "What am I really?" and then seeing what is here right now that never changes. The answer to that question won't be found in the mind but in what notices the mental activity. Let the mind relax its need to find answers and the answer emerges on its own.

  • Illyrian

    Spirituality can take many forms. For me personally that is reading book, going to theater/opera/ballet or just sitting by the campfire watching the stars.

  • JamesThomas

    Hey, poppers. We posted at the same time. Had I seen your post I would not have said anything that might detour from your words.

    Not surprisingly, though, I see we both spook on the same basic message.

    Actually I have never had the need to make such a purchase.

    That said, I imagine it would be more of a spiritual experience than I ever got in a church.


  • Finally-Free

    I look inward. If I need the opinions of others I can turn on the TV or surf the internet.


  • Arthur

    Monty Python DVDs.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Many ex jws go to the Early Church, see the pattern of worship and the basic fundamentals, move forward to our time, and seek the closest approximation. The ones that do this end up Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican.

    If you want to discuss this, feel free....

    I am Anglican litergically and Orthodox, mainly, in "perspective." This is where I am in Journey.


  • eclipse

    The words ''spiritual need'' is a term made up by the JW's.

    It's dung.

    It's nothing but a sales pitch to make you feel that you NEED THEM to tell you how to run your life and be spiritual.

    You can find spirituality within yourself.

    If you need to believe in Jesus, then turn to him if that makes you feel good.

    I personally have left that behind...and now I take in every moment, and see everything with new open eyes...I'm not just waiting to be saved anymore, I'm saving myself, I'm living my life, living in each moment and second, that's spirituallity to me.

    What it is to you may be a whole different story. Just go with what works for you.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Intense post....wow.....



  • eclipse

    I found Illrian's and popper's post much more deep than my own...

    I thought mine was a simplistic viewpoint....so thank you....

    unless you were being sarcastic

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Interesting to hear of others feelings on this matter.
    I find myself in full agreement with those who have no "Spiritual Need"
    - and who consequently do not need to go to anywhere to have this need met!

    The WTS's line is that all people have this inbuilt "need" for spirituality:
    - and that they (and ONLY they) are capable of satisfying it.

    During the 14 years since I broke with the JWs, I have always tried to keep an open mind on this - and other such matters.

    However, I have yet to experience anything of this "Spiritual Need" that they kept telling me I have!


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