How open-minded are you since leaving Jehovah's Witnesses?

by nvrgnbk 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic
    I think what changeling is alluding to, forgive me for trying to explain your thoughts, is that "open-minded" may have more to do with concepts and ideas than with interpersonal relationships and the giving of trust and confidence in those relationships.

    I have no doubt that's what changeling's refering to in the meaning of being "open minded". I however would not consider myself to be open minded. Is it so wrong that not everyone be so agreeable? I am probably in fact very closed minded as a person and I have no problem admitting it be it good or bad.

  • nvrgnbk
    I have no doubt that's what changeling's refering to in the meaning of being "open minded". I however would not consider myself to be open minded. Is it so wrong that not everyone be so agreeable? I am probably in fact very closed minded as a person and I have no problem admitting it be it good or bad.

    Sorry misa. I hope it didn't seem like I was correcting you. I was not. I hope you didn't take it personally, it was not intended in that way. My apologies.

  • geevee

    I have had my tarot read, I am studying hypnotherapy, my son has a girlfriend and i am happy for him

  • misanthropic
    Sorry misa. I hope it didn't seem like I was correcting you. I was not. I hope you didn't take it personally, it was not intended in that way. My apologies.

    Nope, no offense taken. I just think that just because everyone on this thread isn't quick to declare how open minded they are since they left the witnesses doesn't mean they don't understand the definition. I for one am one hell of a stubborn hard headed person or so I hear from those that know me best ;-)

  • OnTheWayOut

    The first thing I noticed when I considered resigning as an elder was that I wasn't
    so judgemental of others. After resigning and continuing my learning, that judging
    of others was almost completely gone. There are people who live in loveless
    marriages- so who am I to judge the adulterer. I had a warped set of morals based
    on WTS thinking- so who am I to judge people who drink to excess sometimes or
    use a recreational drug to escape reality. I was escaping reality in a different way.

    I read some fascinating materials about the NWT and about the development of the
    Bible. I have strong opinions about what the actual "truth" is, but I was deceived before
    so who am I to be so sure that others are wrong and I am right. Maybe the fundamental
    Christians are right or maybe the Hindus or the Atheists, I don't know for sure. At least
    I am allowed to ask questions.

    Even JW's remaining under the spell- I assume they are good intelligent people. I am
    able to understand that they just need the same freedoms I have found.

    About the only thing I am not open-minded about is the debate about whether Jehovah's
    Witnesses are free to believe as they want without interference or whether they are in
    a mind-control cult, and people should interfere through interventions, legal actions,
    even treachery to help them. I clearly believe that the WTS is a mind-control cult and
    whatever is effective to help members, children, or literature students to get out is fair.

  • nvrgnbk

    Amen OTWO! Every last word of it.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I'm definitely more open-minded in the way I view people who are non-jws. I've gotten to know a lot of people in the world on a level that I never would have if I were still brainwashed into believing they were all evil. I discovered they were not at all as I was led to believe they were. They're people just like me and a lot of other people I knew when I was in. I've opened my mind to the idea that there were a lot of good and decent people in the world.

  • JWdaughter

    I question everything. I know that I know NOTHING. I am more humble, more willing to learn. I am finding out how ignorant I am in science-a subject I had as little as possible to do with-because I KNEW it would challenge my belief system. I am actually starting to learn-biology! What a trip:)

    Not knowing isn't as scary as I thought it would be. I am more curious, ask more questions-deeper questions. I am willing to listen to both sides of the radio dial. . .heck, I am willing to listen to ANY talk radio, express myself politically, ask WHY, when people are spouting the same thoughtless rhetoric. This is not all just because I am post JW, it is also because I am post church. But there were a lot of baby steps since leaving the org where I got braver about my questions, and actually could accept that I didn't already have the answers.

  • Carmel

    Do you want a qualitative or quantitative answer? If the latter, about 27, if the former, nearly but not entirely! carmel

  • Flowerpetal

    I have had tarot readings twice this year; I buy lottery tickets, I play slot machines, (recognizing my limit), had my chakras balanced thru stones and tibetan singing bowls, experienced some energy work which brought up emotions I didn't know I was harboring.

    As far as people are concerned, there were some witnesses I didn't want to associate with and some I did, just like non-witnesses I knew.

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