by Dansk 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    Dansk: I would like to curse your son with being able to have to bring you coffee and cake for MANY MANY MANY years to come. Cheers to you.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I'm sooo happy that you're feeling well Ian!!

    You have been an inspiration to so many here. You make JWD an even better place by your presence!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!


  • Sunspot

    Dearest Ian!

    I have been worried about you of late....and I am SUPER PLEASED to see you are doing so nicely. Your place sounds so lovely (any chance of sharing some pictures of your meadows and hedgerow?) ....and how I wish I could pop in for tea and enjoy seeing you and yours face to face...

    You are a truly wonderful person and a real inspiration for us all. My love to your Claire and chidren...



  • changeling

    Newts??? I thought they were a Monty Python thing!

    I'm really glad you are happy and well!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Ian, I've been overwhelmed by sad feelings over the loss of Mickey, my 6 year old grandson (& all the other sad and tragic things that have happened since early May), today. I have stayed busy, but still feel such sadness.

    Then I see your thread, and knowing your history, I think, "I simply must open it to find out how our dear Ian is doing."

    Thank you. I still feel a need for a good cry, but your optimism and description of your life and especially your love for and from your family and your gardens has uplifted me a bit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    By the way, your post makes me think of the song Inside by Jethro Tull:


    All the places I've been make it hard to begin
    to enjoy life again on the inside,
    but I mean to.
    Take a walk around the block
    and be glad that I've got me some time
    to be in from the outside,
    and inside with you.

    I'm sitting on the corner feeling glad.
    Got no money coming in but I can't be sad.
    That was the best cup of coffee I ever had.
    And I won't worry about a thing
    because we've got it made,
    here on the inside, outside so far away.

    And we'll laugh and we'll sing
    get someone to bring our friends here
    for tea in the evening --
    Old Jeffrey makes three.
    Take a walk in the park,
    does the wind in the dark
    sound like music to you?
    Well I'm thinking it does to me.

    Can you cook, can you sew --
    well, I don't want to know.
    That is not what you need on the inside,
    to make the time go.

    Counting lambs, counting sheep
    we will fall into sleep
    and we awake to a new day of living
    and loving you so.

  • Dagney


    Thank you for your touching post. Congratulations on your restored health both physically and spiritually.

    JWD family,

    This is a wonderful place. I am sort of the "new kid in school" here, but it brings me much comfort to know you are all here, and so supportive of each other. Even though I don't know you, I do feel by what I've seen, if I asked for some help, you would be there. What a great feeling.

    Life IS good!!!

  • delilah

    I'm so glad you are having a good day, Dansk. I'm sorry that you are heading into the hospital again though. I hope it goes well for you and you aren't there for long.

    My mom always taught me, that no matter how rough a go I might be having, there is always someone having a tougher go of things, and not to be feeling sorry for myself.

    Here you are, having a real tough go of it for over 3 years now, and you are looking at the bright side of life. Good on you!!!

    You truly are an inspiration, and an asset here for all of us at JWD. Take good care, and know that your friends here are pulling for you.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hello Ian,

    I'm so happy to hear you're doing well. Your story was one of the first I remember reading here on JWD. I know we haven't really connected before, but I wanted to let you know that I've always enjoyed your posts and admired your courage.

    As for your son and the cake & coffee bit................Do you think he could come stay with us for a few weeks? I know he's "worldly" , but I think my kids could use some of his "useful habits".

    Peace, love, respect,

    Open Mind

  • free2think

    I'm so glad you're feeling good Ian.

  • bikerchic

    I'ts so good to hear such a positive update Ian. We're keeping you and family in our thoughts and sending you positive healing vibes!

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