Sincere?..Bible-Believers-Can Your Beliefs Be Supported Without The Bible?

by nvrgnbk 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Does your real-life experience and what you observe in nature lead you to the same conclusions that are presented as fact in the Bible?

    Or do you believe because of the power of suggestion?

  • AlphaOmega


    In 4 minutes NVR will say:

    Well Hi to you too AO!

    - edited to make myself look like a prophet.

  • nvrgnbk

    Well Hi to you too AO!

  • AlphaOmega

    OOPS. A bit trigger happy on the enter key.

    I was going to reply to this question of yours on "the other thread" but it got away from me.

    AN EXCELLENT QUESTION and an excellent point.

    For me, I believe that the Bible helped me to make sense of the experiences that I was having.

    Yep, you could have told me that the infamous spaghetti monster was "talking" to me, and doing all the unexpected things in my life BUT. There was no hint of oregano in the breath of the thing that spoke

    I have no definitive answer and cannot prove things one way or the other. I guess that is why it is "faith". If God shouted at us all from the skies - we would have little choice but to believe. But when he whispers, we can easily dismiss it as something else.

    The "whisper" resonated with something already inside of me - and started to make sense.

    It wasn't my first choice in my window-shopping for a faith (in fact I didn't want one) but it came up and grabbed me all the same.

    I wouldn't have it any other way now.

    Does that offer any way of an explanation ?

  • nvrgnbk

    I always appreciate your honesty and approachable way of explaining your faith AO.

    You have my respect.

  • AlphaOmega

    I always appreciate your honesty and approachable way of explaining your faith AO.

    You have my respect.

    I appreciate that. Thanks. Although, I may lose your respect if you re-read my first post in this thread.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good question nvr

    I suppose you could say I grew up believing in suggestions - forced to go to church and never encouraged to read the Bible by myself (I don't think I ever did that till I was maybe 18-19) but underneath that religion, I was always aware there was something else - maybe that whisper which AO so eloquently described, but I was too busy doing religion at the time to hear it. So it was, in some ways there without the Bible either.

    Then I kinda fell out with religion and was able to hear the whisper better - and so grew my faith. I'm not willing to go into detail on here but certain things have happened in my life which have convinced me of my belief in a loving, involved creator.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thank you for your sincere expressions Sad emo. If you've found peace, I'm happy for you.

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Very clever AO! I loved that. You could have been a Bible writer. LOL!

  • ninja

    hey nvr...I have always believed in a God since I was a wee boy......nothing has changed..... i.e... I still believe in God and I am still a wee boy

  • AlphaOmega
    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Very clever AO! I loved that. You could have been a Bible writer. LOL!

    Or maybe a Watchtower writer ???

    Sad Emo I agree, it seems to be deeply personal things that "He" uses to "get to us".

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