Dog skinned alive

by purplesofa 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    Its vital that whoever did this is found. Setting the dog aside for moment (a truely awful act), people who engage in this type of activity graduate to doing similar things to people. Think about it. I doubt that skinning a dog alive was the first act of insanity this person has done. If not found and dealt with, eventually someone will be tortured, mutilated and/or killed.

    Frozen One: I was going to say the same thing, but read through the posts, to see if someone else said it first. This is how most seriel killers, and just plain bad people get their start.

  • wozadummy

    \ .. / mmmm...break out the BBQ

  • Kudra

    Actually stuff like this (animals skinned alive) does happen most days...

    The meat factory process commonly will start to skin (dip in boiling water, take skin off) animals that have not been killed yet. Not on purpose but because the killing process lots of times is not as accurate as it should be.

    Unfortunate but happens a lot.

    And it is not as inhumane as someone doing it to a beloved pet and letting the animal just walk away.

    (as a horrible side note but an honest question, if something like this had happened to a person, how would they have saved their life? massive skin grafts? What if all the skin was gone but the person was living??)


  • Gregor

    No problem, Purp. I understand your point.

    Maybe it's wrong, but there is something about animals being mistreated by humans that hurts my heart, in some cases, more than humans abusing humans.

  • Tigerman

    Kudra . . .you said, " Actually stuff like this (animals skinned alive) does happen most days... "

    You are so right on girl; when I was living in Chicago I'd see probably 3-400 dogs and cats walkin' around on Michigan Ave. downtown . . ALL skinned alive ! It was unbelievable ! These poor skinned alive pets bleeding all over the place. What was really odd was that nobody paid any attention to what was going on . . those sick MF's.

    I just feel real good inside my heart knowin' that someone like you is out there bringin' the truth to the people!

  • Kudra

    Tigerman... if you read the rest of my post you would know

    a. I was talking about the meat processing industry (which the story reminded me of)

    b. I said that in every way the instance that happened in Saline Co to that dog, Missy is worse...

    Get your underwear out of a bunch...

  • emptywords

    This is where I get so upset and confused, joining the JW's because I wanted the justice of God's Kingdom to bring an end to this diabolical world of cruelty, and yet in two minds, screaming why does Jehovah allow it, we know the ol soverienty issue, Job and all, but things like this really makes me sick, do we have to have so much suffering to realise we need God's Kingdom, do the centuries tell the honesty of Satan's cruelty when we still see it in our 20th century yet see advancements in so many other area's, ex; people living longer. Is it the breakdown of righteousness the days of Noah, that is going to be the catalyst to the end of this cruel gross system. Forgive them for they know not what they do. I dont.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Personally I couldn't care less about some dog. People are getting more worked up in THIS thread then they do in a thread about a HUMAN murder. Saying the guy should get skinned alive as well? Right, and eye-for-an-eye and a human-for-a-dog... great!

    I do hope he gets caught, anyone who did that obviously has severe mental issues, and he needs to be kept out of society before he steps it up a notch...

    But anyone who puts animals on the same level as humans ALSO should have their head examined.

    "Sure millions of children are starving to death each year... But I'm gonna donate all my money to the Animal Cops instead!"

    "Why didn't those rescue workers save the pets instead of spending every possible second saving a bunch of dumb people?"

    "Oh, a teenager killed a hobo with a baseball bat! He should get 20 years in jail or be painlessly executed with an injection... don't forget to rub alchohol on his arm first.

    But a guy skinned a dog alive! LETS SKIN HIM TOO, AND THEN DIP HIM IN SALT YET!"

  • purplesofa

    Ok, the dog was not just some dog, it was someones pet, a companion. Her name was Missy.

    The picture I saw of Missy was from the vets office, and had no blood on it at all. I did not know any living being could survive having their skin taken off.

    The person that did this is sick beyond what I can comprehend. I understand violence, shooting someone, doing something in anger, but this I could not.

    So Lore, I know you are a young lad, the reason why this is and has gotten so much attention, and a high reward $6,000, is the level of sickness one has to be to do this.

    I wonder if this thread could be locked?



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