Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC

by sir82 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    From someone who attended:

    There was a big elders meeting in Columbia SC on Saturday June 9.

    Around 240 congregations, 2000+ elders.

    The Society wants to build a brand new Assembly Hall in Columbia, SC, to handle the huge influx of JWs moving to the US Southeast from up North.

    They expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by April 2010). Total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.

    They want to have the whole thing paid for by the time the building is done - no long term loans.

    They "strongly suggested" that each of the 240 congregations commit to supporting "their share" of the expense. $8.5 million divided by 240 congregations divided by 34 months works out to over $1000 per month per congregation. Congregations are to pass out "financial surveys" to members, to see how much each congregation can come up with.

    That's right - the Society, sitting on $Billions of real estate & other investments, expects Sister Frail and Brother Window Washer to finance their own building project.

    Lots of folderol about "Jehovah's blessing" etc. etc. to wrap it up.

    NOTE TO BETHEL DRONES MONITORING THIS SITE: Hey, include this comment in your monthly report to the Service Dept. goombahs: How many assembly halls could have been built for the $millions shelled out in sex abuse lawsuit settlements this year?

  • Mary

    And this surprises you in some way? The real kicker is that even if the R&F come up with all the money, they STILL won't own it in the end-------Mother will. What a sweet deal for them eh? The R&F (most of who are not financially well off) must dig down deep for all those greenbacks and entirely bear the cost of a brand new building. In the end, Crooklyn----a multi billion dollar corporation doesn't pay a frigging dime out and ends up owning it lock, stock and barrell.

    Of course, the BIG question is: why are they wanting to build something that won't be finished until 2010 when they are now (unofficially) claiming that the preaching work is finished and that there are only "weeks and days", not "months and years" left until the Great Tribulation starts? about speaking with forked tongue.

  • R.F.


    Lately there was letter sent to all congos in this region asking to donate new furniture to the bros in need.

    I wonder how much assistance the WTS put in.

  • OnTheWayOut

    WOW. There are many poor ones in that area. They scrape together enough to go to the
    Conventions and stay in hotels and keep their kids in meeting clothes to go eat at Burger King.
    Now, they add this expense to each congregation. WOW. That will add up to $10 or more
    per publisher per month. That doesn't sound too bad, but add in the kids to a family, and you
    might see the problem. I heard of congregations in the south that could not hardly make their
    monthly expenses without pleading to the flock.

    The elders in each cong. will have to make up the difference. If they pledge to do it, they will
    be expected to make up any shortcomings of their own flocks. That could be an extra $100 in
    any given month for any one elder, with several each month having to find more windows to
    wash. WOW.

    The society could easily finance this and let them pay it back over 10 years. What a sad
    situation. I suppose the $9 million is needed to pay another child-abuse victim or two.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    That's disgraceful - bloody con artists, pleading poverty while sitting on a fortune. The JWs I've spoke to here (England) seem to think that the only property the Society owns is for the the printing 'business'.

    Mary - the preaching work is finished? Well, someone ought tell the Dubs here then, as they're still peddling trashy mags door-to-door

  • sir82

    Oh yeah - forgot to mention...

    This "increased activity in Jehovah's organization" is a sign that Armageddon is (not kidding now) really really close.

    "You will see Jehovah's people at their busiest just before the Great Tribulation breaks out." Didn't catch the scriptural reference to that one, for some reason...oh wait, there wasn't one...

  • eclipse

    Nothing ANGERS me like the Watchtower Society (and all it's subsidiaries) does.

    To: Bethelite Brothers, Governing Body members Lurking, DO YOU NOT SEE THE GREED????

    What do you think JESUS would do if He was here on Earth right now, and saw the money that the Society was raking in from the poor brothers and sisters?

    I think there would be some Rope-whipping, table turning, and some strong language using the words:

    ''Pharisees! Hypocrites! Thieves!''.


  • Scully

    They expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by April 2010). Total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.

    What's really funny are the rumours circulating that Armageddon is coming tomorrow - June 12, 2007. They have a lot of nerve making plans like that in conflict with Jehovah's Timetableā„¢.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    The elders in each cong. will have to make up the difference. If they pledge to do it, they will
    be expected to make up any shortcomings of their own flocks. That could be an extra $100 in
    any given month for any one elder, with several each month having to find more windows to

    I was wondering about this.

    Do the elders have to make up any defecit on account if their congregation is unable to fulfill its resolution to finance any endeavor such as this one?

    Well then, if this is the case, MAY ALL congregations just say "yes" to these types of resolutions. Don't worry. Those taking the lead in the congregation (elders) will gladly be a pillar of support if you are unable to satisfy your obligations in terms of financing any project. Afterall, it is based on your voluntary and anonymous contribution. They'll never know who donates what.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • sir82
    The elders in each cong. will have to make up the difference.

    Per the attendee, that is not the case (I asked a very similar question).

    Each congregation will have a separate contribution box, and donations to pay for the Assembly Hall will be on the "honor system". If you personally promised to pay $X per month, it is your responsiblity to put that $X in the box every month. There will be no "congregation commitments", just a promise to forward all funds donated to that special box each month. Probably there will be an emphasis on the "let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes' " scripture, and lots of counsel about honoring your commitments.

    I find it a little hard to believe that that would work, but I wasn't there to hear it.

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