Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC

by sir82 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    168 out of 240 congregations have completed the financial survey. Results so far (cost rounded up to the nearest thousands):

    $768k, one time payment
    $148k, through monthly donation
    $345k, through loans from the members
    $232k collected so far

    Looks like they might be able to afford it after all.

    Let's use round numbers, say it will cost 8 million.

    They have about $1 million in contributions & loans committed up front, knocks it down to about 7 million.

    Per the meeting describing this project, there will be no loan for construction - they want everything paid off end the end of the project, about 36 months from now.

    So, $148,000 per month X 36 months = $5.3 million, leaving them about $1.7 million short.

    But given that they haven't heard from 72 of the congregations yet, seems like they could make that up pretty easily. Works out to about $655 per month per congregation, and the 168 congregations they have heard from so far have an average commitment of $880 per month.

    I'm sure those 72 congregations are going to be getting a "friendly" reminder shortly.

    I guess PT Barnum was right.

  • FadingAway

    I still question the 8 mil price tag.... based on the plan they are using, you're not getting much for it.

    Does anybody here know what the pricetag was on the Conyers, Ga build?

  • M*A*S*H

    I know this is slightly off topic... but when the GB insure all their real estate, do you think they laugh or cry when they read the section about 'not being covered for "acts of god"'? I suspect the former.

    I don't remember Jesus saying to his crew, "Come chaps dig deep, I need an assembly hall! What!? Do you expect me to give a sermon on a mount or something!? Bloody cheap skates!!!".

  • FadingAway

    It was announced last night that land has been purchased. The property is located in Orangeburg, SC.

  • LockedChaos

    I'm sure they can pony up the cash..........

    Think of how much gas they save not having book studies

    The GB is so thoughtful


  • Robert7
    The Society wants to build a brand new Assembly Hall in Columbia, SC, to handle the huge influx of JWs moving to the US Southeast from up North.

    And what kills me is that they will talk about how the organizaiton is growing so fast... but it's not growing, it's just people moving down from the North. I live in NC, and all our 'growth' are also Northerners. There are very few actual 'new ones'.

  • FadingAway
    And what kills me is that they will talk about how the organizaiton is growing so fast... but it's not growing, it's just people moving down from the North.

    The growth I see is coming from foreign languauge, namely Spanish. Like you said, growth here in the South in english congregations is northerners moving down south.

  • james_woods

    It just occurs to me what a colossal waste of money these "assembly halls" really are. What in the world was wrong with renting a building at the fairgrounds in off-season when they wanted to have a get together?

    An assembly hall just for the 2 or so JW assemblies per circuit per year - just for the witnesses themselves? It is not as if they were renting it out to other civic organizations - typical JW selfishness.

    It is ironic to remember that in the old days the JW used to denounce such things as the Vatican and the Mormon Temple as human vanity.

  • sir82

    It just occurs to me what a colossal waste of money these "assembly halls" really are. What in the world was wrong with renting a building at the fairgrounds in off-season when they wanted to have a get together?

    You forgot that the business model of the WTS is in transition.

    They are gradually phasing out of the printing industry, and phasing into real estate.

    I would not be surprised if, within a generation or 2, they outsource what little printing needs will remain, and pour all their resources into developing Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, Bethel branches, etc.

    Also note that most Assembly Halls are in use at least 40 weekends per year, many are in use 52 weeks a year. Assembly halls are typically in use for 20 or more circuits each.

  • blondie
    An assembly hall just for the 2 or so JW assemblies per circuit per year - just for the witnesses themselves?

    I don't know about assembly halls elsewhere but in my area the weeks are pretty much totally booked by all lthe circuits within 2 to 3 hour driving distance (maybe farther).

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