A Gem from the new book "COME BE MY FOLLOWER"

by bennyk 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bennyk

    I've only skimmed the book, but this is a keeper:

    He [Jesus] is certainly angry at all those religious organizations that falsely claim to represent him. --p. 185, par. 10
    This one is funny, because they are applying this to themselves:
    In contrast, Jesus' genuine followers endeavor to show love to their fellow man. They share the good news with "all sorts of men," just as Jesus did, despite opposition. (1 Tim. 2: 4) And the love they show to one another is outstanding; it is their chief identifying mark. (John 13: 34,35) As they treat their fellow Christians with love, respect, and dignity, they are truly following Jesus -- and making the heart of the Messianic King rejoice! --p.188, par.17
  • truthsetsonefree

    One wonders what a comment like that is doing in a book about Christ, a man whose message centered on love and forgiveness.


  • eclipse

    It's enlightening to know that they now have a direct channel to Jesus himself in order to be able to tell us for a certainty how Jesus feels.

  • AlphaOmega
    In contrast, Jesus' genuine followers endeavor to show love to their fellow man. They share the good news with "all sorts of men," just as Jesus did, despite opposition. (1 Tim. 2: 4) And the love they show to one another is outstanding; it is their chief identifying mark. (John 13: 34,35) As they treat their fellow Christians with love, respect, and dignity, they are truly following Jesus -- and making the heart of the Messianic King rejoice! --p.188, par.17

    If you greet only your friends, what's so great about that? Don't even unbelievers do that?

    [Matthew 5:47 CEV]

  • AlphaOmega

    Can't help myself...

    If you love only those people who love you, will God reward you for that? Even tax collectors love their friends.

    [Matthew 5:46]

  • seek2find

    In My oppinion what's missing with the JWs in their following Christ, is they don't follow his example when dealing with the general public. When a disaster strikes true Christians lend a helping hand to all including beleivers and non-belivers. The witnesses didn't even establish a releif fund after Katrina they said just to give to the general fund. Do they think Jesus really aproves of being so selective in helping others? What about the story Jesus told about the good samaritian? Can you see a modern day witness treating a disfellowshipped person like the Samaritian treated the Jew? Jesus foretold our day well when he quoted Isaiah saying "this people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far removed from me" seek2find

  • Scully

    He [Jesus] is certainly angry at all those religious organizations that falsely claim to represent him. --p. 185, par. 10

    In contrast, Jesus' genuine followers endeavor to show love to their fellow man. They share the good news with "all sorts of men," just as Jesus did, despite opposition. (1 Tim. 2: 4) And the love they show to one another is outstanding; it is their chief identifying mark. (John 13: 34,35) As they treat their fellow Christians with love, respect, and dignity, they are truly following Jesus -- and making the heart of the Messianic King rejoice! --p.188, par.17

    Where's my puking smiley when I need it?

  • AlphaOmega

    He's nice. I might have to "borrow" him...

    Wow, he works for me too. You can have him back now...

    YEP, they are big on their unity and their "team spirit", but it is all corporate nonsense. I'm sure that many of the R&F DO have true love, that they DO have that divine spark within them, but the way that it is classed as a sign that they must be the one true faith makes me sooooo angry!

    The actions of the R&F are controlled through fear. Fear of disfellowshipping, fear of judgement, fear of not making it through Armageddon. That is Old Testament (sorry Hebrew Scripture) stuff.

    True love is not the result of a fear of punishment. True love just "is".

    I will get off my soapbox while you get the green pukey-things ready.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I too am amazed at how they are able to exactly what Jesus's opinion is.

    Must be that special telephone they got up in Brooklyn.

    BTW, is it just me or is that sentence is worded as if a 7 year old wrote it.

  • stillajwexelder

    And the love they show to one another is outstanding; it is their chief identifying mark. (John 13: 34,35) As they treat their fellow Christians with love, respect, and dignity, they are truly following Jesus

    try telling that to a JW sister on a JC who has to tell elders all the gory details of her sex life. Then she gets disfellowshipped and shunned - YES now that really is showng love, respect, and dignity - I am trying to say with the maximum disgust and sarcasm possible

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