What's a JW's main motivator?

by PopeOfEruke 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IsaacJS2

    I agree that fear and pride are the big motivators, especially for their evangelism. (I make a case for this in my essay) That's why they get so weird when they preach at ex-Witnesses like us. They are basically demanding that we give them reassurances in their own faith and act as if we owe that to them. They want to know that we are 1) unhappy since we left their truth 2) in denial about the "fact" that we can't hack it in their truth 3) are just believers in denial, or something similar. They often invent evidence to support these views by misinterpreting what we say and do when they go all self righteous on us. Ever had a confrontation with an old Witness friend, only to hear a very different version of those events from the Witness later on? That's kinda what I mean.

    Whenever they pull this on you, never let them use the "But I'm only trying to save you from Armageddon!" line, or the "I'm doing it because Jesus says I have to!" line. Make them take responsibility for their own bad behavior instead of foisting it off on God or Jesus, or otherwise hiding behind their religion. They pull that crap on me every time.


  • metatron

    Motivators? Guilt and peer pressure. Witnesses are good at 'righteousness' that can be observed

    but how about that mostly empty contribution box? Or kids leading double lives?


  • done4good



  • icyestrm

    Once they got the person into the organization, fear and peer-pressure takes hold. The fear of being rejected from the social circle that the drones project as love when one is shunned. The negative peer pressure of preparing for meetings, going to field service, that whatever we do is never enough in the eyes of the GB. In the ranks of the MS and elders, there is a lot of competition which is another factor that motivates many brothers. These things drive a JW to keep going and 'wait on Jehovah' while they suffer psychologically. More and more of those that I know in the organization suffer from mental illnesses and some have committed suicide from this fear and negative peer-pressure.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Mine was fear and guilt. As a child, I had fear I would die a horrible death at Armegeddon with dogs and birds eating my bones and flesh. I would not be with my family in Paradise either. Through adulthood, guilt because I could never do enough for the "Organization" to please God.

  • jeeprube

    I think it's pure self-interest; greed if you will. Most JW's were converted at the lowest point of their life. My mother for instance, was a drugged out hippie down to her last dollar with two kids when Jehoba came a knockin'.

    JW's offer desperate people the one thing their miserable lives have never known......hope. The price tag is only revealed later.

  • skeeter1

    Gee, I thought it was all about "puttin' on the Ritz" (wearing nice clothes & looking all spiffy...)

    Skeeter (who could make KMart look good)

  • PopeOfEruke

    For Elders and MS's in particular, and the wives behind them :






  • moshe

    A JW thinks they can cheat death and get a nice mansion to live in by being on the winning side at Armageddon. They don't want to work at getting an education either to obtain the nice things in life.

  • nvrgnbk

    Suicidal tendencies?

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