What's a JW's main motivator?

by PopeOfEruke 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brinjen

    In a nutshell, fear.

  • bernadette

    I agree its fear but its fear disguised as love.

  • sass_my_frass

    Good targets are mothers, the elderly, and the bereaved. WBTS know their market.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Peer pressure too I guess would motivate a lot of Witnesses.

    I wonder if fear, guilt, peer pressure and pride were all motivations for Jesus in his earthly ministry?


  • Gill

    It's got to be fear and peer pressure and just generally being a 'vulnerable' person in some way or other that motivates a JW to keep going on that pointless, tedious and monotonous Watchtower tread mill.

    I remember struggling to go to meetings, FS etc with my five little ones. My mother constantly moaning and comparing me to other 'sisters'! 'They' make it to assemblies with tall their children! Why can't you?! 'They pioneer with all their children!' So, why can't you?'

    I remember vividly thinking one Saturday morning, in the pits of despair that yet again we had not been on time for FS and had not gone out, that it would be far easier to kill myself and my children that have them killed soon by God at Armageddon! How sick, twisted and tormented can a mind have become after nearly 35 years of Watchtower crap, and parental obsession with a cult, that they come to the point of thinking it is easier to just kill ourselves now. At least the kids will make it through! Shame on me, certainly! But now I know where the thoughts and ideas came from, and I can fairly say, Shame on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and all its doom mongering Bull Shit!

    As I said at the beginning, it is Fear! Fear of the Peer pressure and being labelled 'spiritually weak' by those stuck up freaks at the Kingdom Hall. And also, fear of impending doom from an ill tempered God who intends, supposedly, to kill everyone who is not a follower of a certain book publishing company in New York!!

  • bernadette


    I remember struggling to go to meetings, FS etc with my five little ones. My mother constantly moaning and comparing me to other 'sisters'! 'They' make it to assemblies with tall their children! Why can't you?! 'They pioneer with all their children!' So, why can't you?'
    I remember vividly thinking one Saturday morning, in the pits of despair that yet again we had not been on time for FS and had not gone out, that it would be far easier to kill myself and my children that have them killed soon by God at Armageddon! How sick, twisted and tormented can a mind have become after nearly 35 years of Watchtower crap, and parental obsession with a cult, that they come to the point of thinking it is easier to just kill ourselves now. At least the kids will make it through! Shame on me, certainly! But now I know where the thoughts and ideas came from, and I can fairly say, Shame on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and all its doom mongering Bull Shit!

    I can so identify with the peer pressure aspect - I remember when my husband was reaching out and my chidlren were small - 3 and 5 - a 'well meaning' poineer sis, wife of the PO was trying to encourage me to do more in the ministry and to participate more at the meetings. She told me of a pioneer who'd had a child with Down's Syndrome and what a good example she was of strength and endurance, putting Jehovah first and not faltering over illness in the family. I remember feeling very ashamed of my own performance but at the same time knew I simply couldn't do more.

    Nowadays the congregation elders use the example of the few elderly ones who haven't been ostracised to induce guilt and shame.


  • Gill

    Bernadette - The effects that Watchtower bullying has on its slaves, in that they feel compelled to bully their fellow slaves, discloses exactly what kind of Organization the WTS is. In most business organizations they have a HR (Human resources) department in which they watch out for bullying behaviour that depresses and makes their members ill. In the WTS they encourage bullying to keep the R and F ever depressed with their lot in life.

    What a sad a pathetic Company the Watchtower Society is!

  • nvrgnbk


  • Stealth453


  • eclipse

    Guilt & Fear = Obedience

    (Battered Wife Syndrome much????? They too defend their abusive husbands/boyfriends.)

    Where's the love that Jesus professed would be among his true followers? Not in the Society or the Rank & File, I can say that much!

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