Kansas City DC summary

by stillajwexelder 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DawnLS620


    To state again

    HIGHER EDUCATION -- -- BBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd

    Suplemental Education -- OOOKKKKKKKKKKK

    Regular Pioneering straight form high school - -------- GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD, GOOD>>>>>

    I love this post!!!!! Seems they are unhappy with so many trying to get an education now and are coming out strong against it. BTW, who is the guy in the large picture with the tan sports coat on???


  • DawnLS620

    <<< One thing I love about DC conventions - many African American brothers use these occasions to wear highly colored flamboyant suits - I think they look cool>>> Me too - being here in Deeeeeeeeetroit. . . . we see those suits all the time! The Bros do know how to dress!!! Dawn

  • SirNose586

    Ugh. This reminds me of some of the other anti-higher education talks we heard. One sister got her Bachelors' and was going for her Masters', but then decided she would be "much happier" pioneering.

    There were thought-stopping techniques encouraged in regard to disfellowshipping. This talk made my sister cry. I felt like running up and strangling the speaker...but then I thought, "No, that would be a waste of time...there is another clone right behind him to continue talking."

    All in all, a complete waste of a weekend--par for the course.

  • Hecklerboy
    "Bachelors, masters no good." -- that's why I got my Doctorate. smile.

    At the company I'm employeed at you can't get anywhere without a Bachelors degree. They won't even look at you resume' if you don't have one.

    Fortunately I was hired before they set this standard. However, I'm having a hard time getting promoted because I only have a technical degree from a vocational school. Even though I do the same job as the other's with a Bachelors degree. You really need a degree in today's society.

    Oh yeah, and let them tell my wife this BS about not being able to find a job in you field of study. She just got her Master's in Nursing Science to be a Nurse Practitioner and has 3 doctors actively recruiting her for their different practices. Her salary will literally double next month. Also a friend of mine who is a Nurse Practitioner had 9 clinincs recruiting her to practice at thier facility. It's great when you get to interview your potential employer.

    I just feel sorry for the rest of my family that's still in the cult. Theywork for very low pay at very hard jobs. They have no retirement and no health insurance. But hey, they are told they are happy people so I guess it's OK.

  • out4good3

    Three years ago, I had my wife all set up to finish a bachelor's degree in business. The money was allocated, she'd already talked to counselors, schedule was set....everything. She'd gotten a two year business degree and was bored with nothing to do, no job, and was wanting to continue. Two weeks later after coming home from a convention, she tells me that she's decided against school, and that she is going to start two studies. I was mortified.....irritated......furious and my attitude showed it. She pretended not to notice and continued right along with her new studies. For awhile she had three going. Then one moved and started studying with someone else in her new area, one other moved out of the area and got pregnant, and the third let her down easy by claiming that her husband wanted to study also, but when they were turned over to a brother ceased studying altogether. Now, she's in my face asking me what does I think she should do. That she wants to start a small business. I'm offering no opinion, no financial backing. If she does it, it'll entirely be on her own. I'm still paying off the loan for her two-year degree and I'm not going to be pulled further down a financial hole with her expectation that I'll just have to live with it if she changes her mind, yet again, and go on another tangent at the drop of the hat at the behest of her WT master. This past Saturdays convention was fraught with experiences encouraging this very thing. More service, pioneering, and studies. They trotted out example after example of people who were either after getting their degree, couldn't find a job and started to pioneer, or those that had forgone education altogether to pioneer. I had a few questions to ask these "examples" to imitate. Where did they go to school to get these degrees? How hard did they try looking for employment in their specialty before they gave up? How are they supporting themselves now? Did the degree they have open any secular doors for them that would otherwise have been closed? What about all the other graduates out there who've after getting their degrees, are in a position to interview the perspective businesses and choose the one they want offering them jobs, rather than being chosen to be interviewed out of a pool of candidates for a job? These are the type of questions you'll never see asked on the stage as they'll get to the core of the real reason of thier failure to make use of educational opportunities rather than the manufactured ones of the WT.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    So, apparently the story of the Armenian father is true, except for one very important piece. No one "mocked" the father. The situation looked very grim, and some people told the father that there could not possibly be any survivors. That is a far cry from "mocking" him. The story is part of a book sold at Christian book stores. I wonder how the GB found out about this story??????? :)





  • 5go
    So, apparently the story of the Armenian father is true, except for one very important piece. No one "mocked" the father. The situation looked very grim, and some people told the father that there could not possibly be any survivors. That is a far cry from "mocking" him. The story is part of a book sold at Christian book stores. I wonder how the GB found out about this story??????? :)

    Not only that but, it reeks of urban legend.

    Notice a place and time easy to come by but no names.

  • stillajwexelder

    well it was delivered by a GB speaker so it must be true and not an urban legend

  • 5go
    well it was delivered by a GB speaker so it must be true and not an urban legend
  • stillajwexelder

    Nearly as bad as the District Overseer who at a circuit assembly said all the programs about JWs such as dateline and Panorama was fabrication and lies - the rank and file will belive anything and the higher ups will speak anything

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