If you could repeat your life.

by DJK 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • unique1

    I would have not gotten baptized at 13.

    I would not have went to Home Schooling during High School.

    I would have taken all the College Prep courses and I would have made good enough grades to get a scholarship and went to college without my parents approval.

  • delilah

    The main thing that I would have changed, is leaving the organization when I was first DF'd, instead of going back for more. Then I would have gone back to school to become an architect. Everything else that happened in my life, helped to shape and mold me into the person I am now.

  • jaguarbass

    I wouldnt change this life. When I come back for the next one its going to be even wilder.

  • serendipity

    The main things I would have done differently is not get baptized. The other regret I have is not having another child, which was due to not being married which was due to looking for a JW to marry 'only in the Lord'. I also would have been nicer as a kid and teenager, stopped worrying so much, and enjoyed the journey more. I also would have invested in Microsoft in 1985 when a coworker was trying to persuade me to do so. Ditto for all the high-flying dotcom stocks - except I would have sold before 2000.

  • Lapuce

    I would have never married a JW and I would have done the things I wanted to do, I would probally one of those people that live backpacking across Europe and Asia....

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