If you could repeat your life.

by DJK 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    The only thing I regretted and it happened the other day was that I stopped my piano lessons when I was 10,

    I bet...with the way you love classical music! Do you still play at all?

  • Zico

    If we go back in time do we get to keep our current minds and way of looking at things intact? As how else would we remember what we travelled back in time for, and know how to change the thing we wanted to? In that case, we’d still have all the memories of the things we learned. If we just got sent back to the same position, we’d probably make the same decision again. If I can go back in time and see the world from my beginning as I do now, I think I’d like to go back to the beginning and do it all over again, because you could make it so good. If we go back in time without being able to remember why, and yet we have some mysterious force guiding the one action we wanted to change, I’d go back to February of this year, and this time, I’d definitely ask her out.

  • Finally-Free

    Where to begin?

    1. I would have said no to that first cigarette.
    2. I would have declined the first time a joint was passed to me.
    3. I would have declined my first sexual encounter at 14, from which I contracted syphilis.
    4. I would have gone to college.
    5. I would have turned down that "bible study™".

    I'll leave it at that, but the list is almost endless.


  • zagor
    I bet...with the way you love classical music! Do you still play at all?

    Yes Decki, I bought a piano the other day again and I'm slowly getting back into it but it will never be what could have been :) Like this kid for instance, check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErXfC9X545Y

  • Sparkplug
    I bet...with the way you love classical music! Do you still play at all?

    Yes Decki, I bought a piano the other day again and I'm slowly getting back into it but it will never be what could have been :) Like this kid for instance, check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErXfC9X545Y

    Most excellent. Makes me think of how badly I wanted to play drums. We were too poor. I see stomp now and I see there was so much I could have done. But alas. Don't cry over that right. so I bought drums and I can play a bit...but not how I want to. I steady myself by being able to dance like a set of drums. Got the rythme. lol Tell you what? I have the same thing with the guitar. I have had about 7 guitars...maybe. Cannot play a lick. Never got the knack of it. So instead I make sure my kids can learn if they like. My son is a pretty good saxaphonist. He plays sometimes on Sunday at a local pub with a group of older men some blues stuff. His passion is 20's Jazz though.

    sigh. But just a soft one...for regrets are bad. I try not to have them!

  • LittleToe

    Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention...

    1. I'd insist I continued playing the violin from 8 - 18. I could have been FAR better than I now am!
    2. I'd take better care of my teeth during my teens. They are ok, but I have more filings than I care for.
    3. I'd take better care of my back, when I was in the building trade.
    4. I'd be a little more careful with some of the hearts that I've touched.

    Aside from that my experiences have shaped and molded me, and I don't genuinely think I'd change one, not even the more bitter ones.

  • Paralipomenon

    If I could do it all over, I think I would have avoided posting on this thread.

  • reneeisorym

    I would go back to age 12 and not get baptized. I am glad I didn't find out until I did how the JWs were a lie or I couldn't have made it through childhood. I just wish I would have told them that I wanted to wait until I was more mature is all.

    And I wish I would have never told my fiance to try World of Warcraft.

  • bikerchic

    If I could go back I would have followed my rebellious teenage heart and completely left the B'org as way back then I thought it was a load of crap, but I didn't want to disappoint my parents.

    I have many times asked myself that question and it always comes back to those early teen years, if I had followed what I wanted to do in my heart I would have gone on to a higher education and been in the business world, if only.......

  • misanthropic

    I probably wouldn't have thought it was such a great idea to rush into 2 different marriages all before the age of 24. But other than that I don't regret much, the mistakes I've made may have left me a little rough around the edges in some ways but I'm in a good place and I have my whole life ahead of me still.

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