If you could repeat your life.

by DJK 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK
    I just have a harder road to get there!

    Sparkplug, I have found it more rewarding when the end result is successful.

  • Mary
    What time in your life would you go back to and change what?

    In a nutshell: Everything.

  • DJK
    I'd never have started smoking.

    Almost Atheist, I should have made that one of my dreams that Crumpet could make come true for me.

  • DJK
    At the age of four or five, I would on a Sunday morning run out into traffic on Canal St in Salem Massachusettes, in front of the KH, before the meeting started.
    Do you really mean this? You would sooner die as a toddler than be here now? Surely not --- i musty be misunderstanding

    Sad but true. When I say this to people they really look down on me and find it hard to believe. I guess you had to be there.

  • Sparkplug
    I just have a harder road to get there!

    Sparkplug, I have found it more rewarding when the end result is successful.

    DJK..."And that has made all the difference..." (Frost)

  • OnTheWayOut

    My mother was DF'ed back after 1975, and then went back to the hall around 1980 to 1981.
    I would (as a child, but old enough to effect her) point out all the obvious problems with the
    religion to her, using her husband who still isn't a JW, to help me.

    I would also save every bit of money I could get from shoveling snow and doing odd jobs
    and learn to invest. In the 1980's, it was pretty easy to make money. I would then
    go to college (just for the education, afterall- I would be an investment millionaire).

    The sad thing is that I would never meet my current wife if I made these drastic changes.
    She'd be on her own with a Borg future, but she's with the Borg anyway.

    See, there's always a down-side to doing it over. A person who has had a series of
    bad things happen may correct them with a do-over, but not be the same person who
    learned from his bad life.

  • DJK
    I'd drop that rock a foot further to the left when I was 7, so it would splash mud on the kid below -- which was my intention -- instead of landing on his foot and hurting him so much. In fact, hopefully I'd not drop the rock in the first place. (Again, ignoring the valuable lesson I learned from this)

    Almostatheist, Lmaol.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    A couple of years back I would have had a list but now? You know - I wouldn't change a thing.

    In spite of all the bad stuff, I wouldn't be who I am now if it hadn't happened. I might be even worse off.

    I suppose there comes a time when you reach a peace about who you are/what you made of life, accept it and move forward instead of keeping looking back - I think I'm somewhere near there.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I would go back to age 13 and not get baptized, I'd take my chances on my dad putting me out of the house for not being baptized!


  • zagor

    I don't know it is hard to say, sometimes smallest of decisions you make can have a ripple effect on your life years later. On the other hand sometimes things you thought were major milestones in your life turned out to be just blips that didn't change a thing. But as Decki says if I changed anything that probably wouldn't make me who I am today. The only thing I regretted and it happened the other day was that I stopped my piano lessons when I was 10, ok that and that I didn't kick this elder's ass when I had a chance ;)

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