
by BR25 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    Who ever started this,

    this is for you ----->

    And this ----->

    And this--->

    And this--->

    And this--->

    And this--->

    And this--->

    And this is my responce to you --->

  • Vinny

    Poor 17 year old Lore, WANTS TO BE VINNY.


  • Vinny

    Thanks for that birthday link AA. I forwarded it to my wife. She really appreciated those points. I skimmed it, because I had a few spankings to take care of today. Will read in full soon.



  • Vinny

    BR25 said:..."Now the whole reason why I brought up this topic is because if all these topics about witnesses have truth behind them I guess Athiesm would be the way to go. I am not necessarily saying that is the way I would go , I was trying to come up with a logical conclusion. I have had conversations with people of other christian faiths, and I dont agree with all their teachings either. In all honestly there are many gray areas. Even though many people who have been jws on here disown the jw faith now, it still gives some helpful insight about other religions and why there are false. Even if I would prove myself to be wrong on what I believe I would not believe in any other faith either. NOTE: this is not because I am blindsided by my faith either, because I have been away from the JW faith for some time. I have no problem making up my own mind. I was never babtized so I have little pressure on me at all.

    Dont's want to be like those roaches do we...

    Peace to you and yours,


  • LtCmd.Lore
    Fulfilled prophecy is an ATHEISTS NIGHTMARE

    Sorry Vinny, that monkey on your head is still your baby for good*. You can spew crap about prophecies (that are only fulfilled in the very book that makes them) all you want, but it's all just talk.

    Here's a look at some of your fulfilled prophecies, as listed, by you, here:

    Jesus was born of a woman: Duh! The only other options are that he was born of a man, born of an animal, or simply poofed into existance. All three of which would be much more miraculous. It would have taken a miracle for this one NOT to have come true.


    Jesus was born of a virgin: Prove it! We only have Matthew's word on this, how the heck would he know? The only reason we would assume he knows what he's talking about is if we think the Bible is inspired, and we only believe that the Bible is inspired because of the prophecies... do you see the loop here?


    Herod kills the children predicted: Jer 31:15, the scripture you claimed prophecied this, says: 15 Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.

    Taken in context this scripture is nothing like a prophecy. It's a documentation of events that already happened to Rahel, followed by comfort because her children will return. Plus Ramah is over 20 miles from Bethlehem. It's also worth mentioning, that Matthew is the only record of this slaughter even taking place. If all the young children in that area were murdered by the king, you'd think there would be a whole bunch of poems, songs, stories and records of that event. Not to mention the angry mobs demanding revenge. Yet outside of the book of Matthew this event did not happen.

    If you think it did happen, it's only because you believe then bible, and then you use this to prove the bible is true... once again, it's just circular reasoning...


    I'm not about to go through that huge list of 'prophecies' Most of which are unverifiable. And the rest of them are so vauge that they could easily be applied to anyone in history.

    So if you can pick ONE AT A TIME that you want me to respond to, then pick THE MOST CONVINCING prophecy you can find, and tell it too me.

    If you choose more than one, I'll only respond to one... whichever one I want. So take your best shot.


    (All I can say is, I'd much rather have a $50,000 corvette on my head than a flying purple monkey anyday.)

    * Don't worry, I swear to never mimmik Vinny again... it's just that he seems to view his own style as so convincing, I figured it would be worth a shot.

  • theinfamousone

    you know vinny, at first i liked you... thought you were a guy on the other side of the fence, so to speak, a guy who is educated and believes something that i don't... and you know i respect someone who is willing to have beliefs and to defend them! i thought you were intelligent

    boy was i wrong... not because of the purple monkey thing or because you believe in a superior being... no because intelligence does not debate by belittling and making fun! that's a huge sign of stupidity... you realise that you arguments are so shallow and full of holes, so you proceed to mock the people who find those flaws in an attempt to discredit them! its not working...

    i am more than happy to debate respectfully, with intelligent people... but you are acting like a cornered pre school bully... "well lore is a stupid head"! so you and your press on mustache can walk away wiuth your collective heads bowed... when you come up with some intelligent come backs, please feel free to share, but at this point, you have not contributed much to this conversation except your wonderful red corvette tripe!

    again, i must say both atheism and theism do require huge leaps of faith... the truth is, either way, we are assuming a few things... in either case, there is not enough proof to really prove either... so at this point, lets live and let live and really just be happy for the ability to debate!

    the infamous one

  • Paralipomenon

    I shudder to think of what Vinny was like as an elder.

    Please reread your own posts. You type out a point. Then you affirm that your point is correct. Then since your point is correct, you mock anyone arguing with you for being so wrong.

    You make alot of claims and speak in absolutes without providing any backup other than "I say so"

    In your own mind you believe that there is a God, but your behavior is that of one that has a complete disrespect for bible teachings.

    Jesus taught love.
    Jesus taught mildness.
    Jesus taught self control.

    I see no evidence in your posts that these virtues mean anything to you.

    Jesus said "love your enemy", but you see it more like you need to "verbally spank" people that don't agree with your points. Then after you go on a tirade, you pat yourself on the back for such a fine job.

    So, two things:

    1) If Jesus was to read your posts, do you think he would be proud of you?

    2) I made a post called the "Creationist Lottery" discussing the math involved in the accidental creation of life here:

    If you have any basis in math you may find it an interesting read. In fact, there were absolutely no theists to post on it. I'm not interested in disproving God, but when people say God must exist because the chances of live accidentally happening is so remote, I like to offer the math that they are claiming to represent.

    If you aren't good at math, please refrain from comment. I refuse to argue a topic with someone that doesn't grasp the basics of discussion.

    Personally I'm Agnostic. I don't think there's enough evidence to either prove or disprove God.

    The fact that life is complex doesn't prove that God exists. To me it proves that we are not complex enough to understand it and may never be.

    The fact that there is no tangible proof of a God doesn't mean he does not exist.

    At anytime I'm willing to swing my belief to either side if a convincing enough argument is made.

    Unfortunately "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M SPANKING ATHEISTS" just doesn't cut it for me to believe in God.

  • dedpoet

    vinny wrote

    However BR25, I have a few thoughts and questions for you. I WAS a JW too. I was also an elder and very loyal, baptized Witness for 15 years. I left just one year ago.

    You may have left the watchtower but, judging by your ad hominem attacks on
    various posters here who dare to disagree with your beliefs, you haven't left the
    jw attitude behind.

    You call yourself a follower of Christ. I'm sure he would have responded to other
    posters in the vitriolic way you have done on this and other threads, not. Are you
    absolutely sure you're not still a jw? The judgemental attitude you display very much
    reminds me of some of the elders I used to know in my own jw days. Still, I guess
    being an elder yourself has left it's mark, and you may get over it in time.

    I am an atheist myself, though I am prepared to admit I may be wrong and god may
    exist. I await any conclusive evidence to prove that he does exist, however, and your
    arguments don't provide any IMHO. In fact, the way you present your point of view,
    intermixed as it is with the name-calling of other posters, is more likely to drive people
    away from a belief in god than to persuade anyone to believe in him.


  • TheCoolerKing
    again, i must say both atheism and theism do require huge leaps of faith... the truth is, either way, we are assuming a few things... in either case, there is not enough proof to really prove either... so at this point, lets live and let live and really just be happy for the ability to debate!

    I absolutely agree with that statement Infamous One! Well said!!!

  • frankiespeakin


    Jesus said "love your enemy", but you see it more like you need to "verbally spank" people that don't agree with your points. Then after you go on a tirade, you pat yourself on the back for such a fine job.

    So, two things:

    1) If Jesus was to read your posts, do you think he would be proud of you?

    I would answer yes, he'd prolly say: "smite the heathens with thy words", and "preach it". That would be the smart ass jesus you read about who always had something to say that would piss off the pharasees and other religous persons that didn't agree with him,, and then you have your fire and brimstone jesus, and the all love and don't judge anyone jesus, Vinnie's jesus would prolly give him a wink and a thumbs up after reading his post.

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