Board Demographics

by snowbird 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    White male age 50

    Married at 19, soon to be divorced

    last meeting memorial in brooklynheights congregation 2003

    ex elder and ms

    I still have all my hair and teeth.

  • tnangel73

    White, 33 year old single mother of a 20 month old son. I thought I had successfully faded away until I got pregnant and the elders wanted to talk to me. I hadn't been to meetings on regular basis since 1996. DF'd in 2005. Right around when my son was born or after. I wasn't too concerned with their judicial meetings and stuff. I had plenty of other things on my mind. Damn me for taking my parents who are active jw's but have health problems, so I still associated with JWs, which bothered them for some unknown reason. Former pioneer. Ugh..Wasted time there.

  • Arthur

    Inactive for a little over a year. Single, never been married.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Female, 42, African American, 3 sons, left the cult 24 years ago, married for 21 years. Still have family in that I do have contact with although limited. Born in the cult, baptized age ???13/14???? because I was told by my father that if I didn't get baptized #1 "I'd have to get out of his house", #2 "I'd never be able to get married"!!!!

    Walked away at age 18, moved out to live with my best friend and her family, got married at age 21, still married to the same wonderful man!!


  • juni

    Sherri said:

    Was a true believer -- none of this double life stuff for me. I was such a straight arrow

    Same here Sherri. I was fully programmed though at times I started wondering about different things, but dispelled the thoughts thinking I would not have Jah's favor.

    MsMcDucket, hi! I was 6 months pg with my second son at my baptism. Wore my husband's T-shirt over some maternity shorts!


  • Insomniac

    I'm an Irish/French/Indian woman, unmarried but sharing a house with my fella. No kids, never will be. I was raised in da troof from 10, baptized against my will at 12, faded/was inactive for years and left for good at 33. Not sure my status in the cong; I stopped attending permanently about 4 years ago, but never da'd myself. I think they might have disfellowshipped me in absentia, as no one will speak to me.

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    DA'd 15 years ago at 17 years of age. White male, no kids, no wife. Girlfriend yes, dog and cat, yes.

  • Gretchen956

    White female, age 50, single. Third generation witness though there's a fourth and fifth after me still in. I've been out for fifteen years. I left because I knew they were wrong on one count, that part of being the only religion to really be loving, because I saw their "fruits" and they were rotten! Drifted for awhile, there wasn't much going on with exJWs during that time that I know of and if there was I probably would have been afraid to join such an apostate group. After my eyes were open on the one point, I learned about other facts that were actually lies. After the possibility that they are lying all the house of cards falls down.

    My family is split between those still in and those out, this goes all the way across the family tree to cousins and distant cousins. My parents think I'm demonized.


  • Tuesday

    White Male, 26, Irish. Married for 4 years and one kid on the way. I was raised as a Witness since birth, faded about 7 years ago (if by fading that means just stopped going one day). Too many little problems just added up to make everything into one big problem.

  • Shawn10538

    dfd after a long slow fade.

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