What Freedoms Do You Enjoy Now That You're Not A Witness?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    What Freedoms Do You Enjoy Now That You're Not A Witness?

    The freedom to THINK for myself.

  • Heather

    the freedom to wear those short short skirts: ) ......and not have any long skirts in my closet

  • WTWizard

    (1) Not having to worry about getting to the meetings. Meaning not having to get up (I work the late night shift) to make a 7:30 PM meeting or rush home for a morning meeting.

    (2) Being able to let the end of the month come without worrying about whether I did any field service that month.

    (3) Not having to go to the assemblies. That used to waste a lot of time to prepare by reserving motel rooms. The money it cost was wasted.

    (4) No more dry cleaning bills or having to buy new WHITE dress shirts.

    (5) Not getting stuck in service because the group wants to hold me up for several hours or for that "last call" syndrome where the last call of the day took all day.

    (6) Being able to listen to real music. I have the 50 Cent CD The Massacre, and I'm sure they would have a stroke if I were back in the Tower and they found out I had it. I also have a nice collection of rap music, along with heavy metal, rock, disco, and funk. And the oldies. For the record, each time I find out that an oldie was censored, I download it and add it to my collection.

    (7) Not getting a stupid talk. I have had talks that were about being happy, and I had to work on the "warmth and enthusiasm" point. And they decided that I wasn't playing happy enough.

    (8) Being able to set up a Christmas tree, knowing that they call it worshiping the sun (and the Devil), and not giving a f$.

  • ninja

    I can walk around in the nude on sunday mornings.....the elders used to get so uptight about it at the hall....I still had my tie on for goodness sake.....but now...complete freedom.....the neighbours look at me funny....but never tell me to get my clothes back on......nudey ninja

  • minimus

    Ninja, so you like walking around in the nude? No big deal, right?? (Pun intended).

  • RichieRich

    I'm free to grow without any of the restraints that the society puts upon its members.

    I can take credit for a job well done.

    I can make choices that effect me without having to consult the publications first.

    I can go right to sleep at night.

    and I can get in on that stuff Merfi's hooked on, too.

  • minimus

    You don't HAVE to consult the elders before you take a sh*t. That's always good.

  • Namasti

    Let's not forget Masturbation and Oral Sex. At least that was tabooed years ago when I was a witness.


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