Witchcraft - Would you use it?

by Sirona 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    What do you think of witches and witchcraft?

    I worked with a warlock for about a year once, I had a lot of conversations with him and read some of his majic books. I was considering working some black magic, but realized if I didnt get it write it would come back on me. So I just sat back and let karma take over. The warlock I knew was unusuall.

    He was a scitzophrenic, I wonder how many mad, crazy people are? When your a scitzophrenic warlock, how can you tell who's voice your hearing in your head is it yours or the debils?

  • loosie


    Can you give some examples of when it worked for you?

  • MsMcDucket

    I used it every time I picked up the NWT!

  • greendawn

    I wouldn't do it precisely because it means interacting with spirit creatures which according to Christianity are fallen angels that ultimately have nothing good to offer to mankind. Why put oneself in a position of subordination to such creatures consider them guides or protectors and ask for their assistance?

  • Satanus


    In the stuff that i do, i don't subject myself to anything. I am on equal footing, even w god, should he show up. I own my own space, and hold it. So far, god hasn't showed. Do you know where he hides his ass? I'll go there and pay him a friendly visit.


  • nvrgnbk
    I rarely try to do anything than just seeing how things are. Understanding is key w me.

    I think it's based on the unconscious connections that we all have w eachother and everything. All is one, or maybe two. Ultimately, one.

    Yes Satanus! To all the above.

    Too often we opress the God within, instead of empowering It, allowing It to fully manifest Itself and be.

  • wednesday
    I wouldn't do it precisely because it means interacting with spirit creatures which according to Christianity are fallen angels that ultimately have nothing good to offer to mankind. Why put oneself in a position of subordination to such creatures consider them guides or protectors and ask for their assistance?

    This would be true if the only spirit creatures were just the fallen angels, per the story in genesis. However,I've since become free of jws mind set I find they are very wrong about happens after death. I feel now that we do have an afterlife, and with that in mind, I may be able to contact my deceased family, etc. I do not deny the existence of evil entities,however, I believe good ones also exist and are available to assist us. jws would have us think that the angels don't ever assist anyone, and I know for sure that is not true (personal experience.) They distort everything by telling us that any contact with the spirit realm is evil, all spirit creatures are evil. Angels do exist and do help us.

  • misanthropic

    I don't really believe in "Witchcraft" and I'd never consider it to be real until it could be scientifically proven and then, of course, then I would use ;)

  • nvrgnbk

    You'll all use witchcraft if I allow you to use witchcraft!

    Just kidding..........


  • diamondblue1974

    Well there is one in particular I adore (although I know you don’t call yourself a witch honey).

    I suppose I am not an objective bystander given the fact that I have always known that my spiritual path is nature based and could be deemed by some to be pagan; personally I hate the negative connotations people assume when they hear terms such as witchcraft and paganism - they assume that it involves devil (whatever that is) worship and all things dark and satanic and from experience it is far from any of those things.

    Although I refuse to be pigeon holed into being of any particular denomination my path is more Druidic than Wiccan although there are aspects of both which I find complement each other and that are often synonymous.

    With everything there is light and there is dark – there is positive and negative in everything and there are people who practice the craft who simply do not use it to positive effect; this doesn’t mean however that the whole path itself is wrong.

    Just my opinion.


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